Forestry Quarter 4

Forest Products

Week 10: April 6-9- Wood Construction Materials

Topics & Essential Questions

  • Wood Construction Materials

    • Essential Questions:

    1. What are the differences between processed woods of the hardwood and softwood varieties?

    2. What are some characteristics that are useful in identifying woods of different species?

    3. What are some characteristics of wood that contribute to its value for construction purposes?

    4. What are some characteristics of wood that detract from its value for construction purposes?

    5. What is the general process by which logs are processed into lumber?

    6. What are the different cuts of processed wood according to their dimensions?

    7. What is the difference between lumber and timbers?

    8. What are the differences among the different types of reconstituted boards?

"I can" Statements:

  1. Distinguish between processed woods of the hardwood and softwood varieties.

  2. List some distinguishing characteristics that are useful in identifying woods of different species.

  3. Identify some characteristics of wood that contribute to its value for construction purposes.

  4. Identify some characteristics of wood that detract from it's value for construction purposes. describe the general process by which logs are processed into lumber.

  5. Describe the general process by which logs are processed into lumber.

  6. Classify the different cuts of processed wood according to their dimensions.

  7. Distinguish between lumber and timbers.

  8. Distinguish the differences among the different types of reconstituted boards.


Week 11: April 12-16- Wood Construction & Specialty Forest Products

Topics & Essential Questions

  • Specialty Forest Products

    • Essential Questions:

    1. What are the differences between a monosaccharide and a polysaccharide?

    2. What is the significance of cellulose to the fiber and paper industries?

    3. What are the different methods used to convert wood fiber to pulp?

    4. Why is the mechanical pulping method used in the paper and fiber industries?

    5. Why are different grades of pulp sometimes blended together?

    6. What is the process of which wood is converted to ethanol?

    7. What are the different types of products extracted from wood using solvents and the process that they are obtained?

    8. What is the importance of biomass as a fuel for generating electrical power?

"I can" Statements:

  1. Distinguish between a monosaccharide and a polysaccharide/

  2. Explain the significance of cellulose to the fiber and paper industries.

  3. Describe the different methods used to convert wood fiber to pulp.

  4. Suggest reasons why the mechanical pulping method is widely used in the paper and fiber industries.

  5. Explain why different grades of wood pulp are sometimes blended together.

  6. Define the process which wood is converted to ethanol.

  7. Name the different types of products extracted from wood using solvents and explain the processes by which they are obtained.

  8. Discuss the importance of biomass as a fuel for generating electrical power.


Week 12: April 19-23- Tree Farms

Topics & Essential Questions

  • Plantation Products and Practices

    • Essential Questions:

    1. What are the cultural practices involved in the production of containerized seedlings?

    2. How are cuttings used to produce trees for transplanting?

    3. What are some silviculture practices used in the management of a Christmas tree plantation?

    4. What is the difference between a bare-root stock and containerized seedlings.

    5. What are the beneficial effects of pruning on lumber quality?

"I can" Statements:

  1. Explain the cultural practices involved in production of containerized seeds.

  2. Describe how cuttings are used to produce trees for transplanting.

  3. List some silviculture practices used in the management fo a Christmas tree plantation.

  4. Distinguish between bare-root stock and containerized seedlings.

  5. Explain the beneficial effects of pruning on lumber quality.


Technology in Forestry

Week 13: April 26-30- Urban Forestry

Topics & Essential Questions

  • Urban Forestry

    • Essential Questions:

    1. What are the roles of trees in urban settings?

    2. What are the factors that should be considered when selecting trees for urban uses?

    3. How should a zone map be used to guide tree selection?

    4. How do you use a tensiometer as a water management tool?

    5. What is a systematic approach to diagnosing problems in trees?

    6. How are cables and other hardware items used to stabilize and repair damaged trees?

"I can" Statements:

  1. Define the roles of trees in urban settings.

  2. Identify factors that should be considered in selecting trees for urban uses.

  3. Explain how a zone map should be used to guide tree selection.

  4. Evaluate the use of a tensiometer as a water management tool.

  5. Explain why it is important to prune trees.

  6. Describe a systematic approach to diagnosing problems in trees.

  7. Explain how cables and other hardware items are used to stabilize and repair damaged trees.


Week 14: May 3-7- Forest Technology

Topics & Essential Questions

  • Forest Technologies

    • Essential Questions:

    1. In what ways are computer systems used in timber processing?

    2. How will computers be used in the future to manage forest resources?

    3. How are new technologies used to increase forest productivity and reduce environmental problems in forests?

"I can" Statements:

  1. Describe ways that computer systems are used in timber processing.

  2. Speculate some ways that computers may be used in the future to manage forest resources.

  3. Explain how new technologies may be used to increase forest productivity and reduce environmental problems in forests.


  • ESS.05.01.03.a. Research how advancements in technology have changed environmental service systems.

  • ESS.05.01.03.c. Evaluate trends in technology and develop predictions about how these advancements will change environmental service systems.

  • NRS.01.05.03.a. Compare and contrast techniques associated with sustainable forestry Ie.g., timber stand improvement, diversity improvement, reforestation, etc.).

  • NRS.01.05.03.b. Analyze a forest in order to determine which forestry technique would improve that habitat.


Week 15: May 10-14- Anatomy and Identification of Trees

Topics & Essential Questions

  • Tree Identification

    • Essential Questions:

    1. How can we use the characteristics of leaves, bark, flowers and seeds to identify trees?

    2. What are the growth patterns of trees?

    3. What are the differences in growth patterns based on tree species?

    4. What trees am I able to identify?

"I can" Statements:

  1. Recognize characteristics of leaves, bark, flowers, and seeds.

  2. Observe and recognize the growth patterns of trees.

  3. Associate tree growth patterns with specific trees.

  4. Identify each tree discussed in this chapter.

Topics & Essential Questions

  • Anatomy and Classification of Trees

    • Essential Questions:

    1. What is Dendrology?

    2. What is the importance of xylem and phloem tissues in a tree?

    3. What are the extremal parts of a tree leaf?

    4. What are the basic parts of a flower?

"I can" Statements:

  1. Define dendrology.

  2. Explain the importance of xylem and phloem tissues in a tree.

  3. Identify the external parts of a tree leaf.

  4. Name the basic parts of a flower.


  • NRS.01.02.01.a. Research and examine the characteristics used to identify trees and woody plants.

  • NRS.01.02.01.b. Apply identification techniques to determine the species of a tree or woody plant.

  • NRS.01.02.01.c. Evaluate the species of trees present to assess the health of an ecosystem (e.g., presence of native versus invasive species, biodiversity, etc.).

Week 16: 17-21 - Diseases and Pests

Topics & Essential Questions

  • Diseases and Pests

    • Essential Questions:

    1. What is the difference between biotic and abiotic diseases?

    2. What are the roles that fungi play in causing diseases of trees?

    3. What are the symptoms of canker and rust disease and identify some control methods used in the forest industry.

    4. What are some forms of abiotic diseases in trees?

    5. What is the most important class of destructive forest insects and how do they damage trees?

    6. What is the difference between biological control and chemical control of insects?

    7. What pests damage or kill trees?

"I can" Statements:

  1. Distinguish between biotic and abiotic diseases.

  2. Explain the roles that fungi play in causing diseases of trees.

  3. Describe the symptoms of canker and rust diseases and identify some control methods that are used in the forest industry.

  4. Name and describe some forms of abiotic diseases in trees.

  5. Name the most important classes of destructive forest insects, and describe the nature of the damage that each inflicts upon trees.

  6. Distinguish between biological control and chemical control of insects, and list some examples of each method.

  7. Identify other pests that damage or kill trees, and suggest methods for controlling them.


  • NRS.01.02.02.a. Research and examine the characteristics used to identify herbaceous plants.

  • NRS.01.02.03.a. Research and examine the characteristics used to identify wildlife and insects.

Week 17: 24-28- SAE Presentations

**Need to scoot these up- last week is prep for finals/project/etc. Maybe delete a unit and scoot everything up?

Topics & Essential Questions

    • Essential Questions:

"I can" Statements:
