Ag 8-

Quarter 3

Week 1: January 26-29 - Unit 1-Barn Intro, Welcome, Getting to Know You!

Topics & Essential Questions

  • Barn Welcome

    • Essential Questions:

    1. What animals are at the school barn and how do we remain safe around them?

    2. What animal chores can I assist with daily?

"I can" Statements:

  1. I can demonstrate how to be safe around school barn animals.

  2. I can help with barn chores.


Week 2: February 1-5- Unit 2 - Supervised Agriculture Experience (SAE)

Topics & Essential Questions

  • My SAE

    • Essential Questions:

1. What is an SAE?

2. What SAE's would I be able to develop?

"I can" Statements:

  1. I can develop a personal SAE to grow over the semester.


Week 3: February 8-12-Unit 2 -FFA

Topics & Essential Questions

  • What is FFA?

    • Essential Questions:

    1. What does "FFA" stand for?

    2. How can Medford students engage in the National FFA Organization?

    • Essential Questions:

    1. How would FFA make a positive impact in my personal life?

    2. What is the mission and motto of the National FFA Organization?

"I can" Statements:

  1. I can identify 5 ways FFA would positively impact my life.

  2. I can recite the FFA mission.

  3. I can recite the FFA motto.


Week 4: February 15-17- Unit 3 -Plants & Valentine's Day

  • Topics & Essential Questions

  • Plants & Functions, Gardening

    • Essential Questions:

    1. How are plants used by people and in agriculture?

    2. How does all life depend on soil?

    3. What plants are growing at the school high tunnel?

    4. How do we plant seeds?

"I can" Statements:

  1. I can explain why agriculture and all of life depends on soil.

  2. I can help harvest vegetable crops from the high tunnel garden.


  • FPP4.b.5.m: Discuss desirable qualities of fruit and vegetable products.

  • FPP4.c.7.m: Weight and measure food products and perform conversions between units of measure.

  • FPP4.c.8.m: Demonstrate how fresh foods are prepared for distribution.

  • FPP4.c.12.m: Determine appropriate methods and conditions for storing raw and processed food products based on their characteristics.

  • PS3.a.4.m: Diagram the process of plant fertilization.

  • PS3.a.8.m: Give examples of the risks and advantages associated with genetically modified plants.

  • PS1.b.4.m: Identify the components and the functions of plant stems.

  • PS1.b.7.m: Identify the components of a flower, the functions of a flower and the functions of flower components.

Week 5: Feb. 22-26-Unit 5 - Poultry

Topics & Essential Questions

  • Poultry Industry-

    • Essential Questions:

    1. What are major components of the poultry industry- name 2?

    2. How are eggs hatched commercially?

    3. How are boilers produced?

    4. How are eggs collected commercially?

    5. How are turkeys raised and for what purpose?

    6. How do you eventuate animal health and disorders?

"I can" Statements:

  1. I can describe the egg and meat bird industry.

  2. I can discuss the growing of turkey and other poultry meat birds.

  3. I can explain how eggs are hatched commercially

  4. I can explain how broilers are raised and their importance to humans.


  • AS1.a.4.m: Define major components of the animal industry.

  • AS3.a.4.m: Explain methods of determining animal health and disorders.

  • AS4.a.3.m: Explain the importance of a balanced ration for animals.

  • AS4.a.2.m: Explain the purpose and benefits of feed additives and growth promotants in animal production.

  • AS5.b.1.m: Explain how age. size, life cycle, maturity level, and health statuses affect the reproductive efficiency of male and female animals.

  • AS7.a.2.m: Identify facilities needed to house and produce each animals species safely and efficiently.

  • AS7.a.3.m: Identify equipment and handling facilities used in modern animal production.

Week 6: March 1-5- Unit 5 - Hogs

  • Topics & Essential Questions

  • Hog Industry, Breeds, Care, Production

    • Essential Questions:

    1. What are common hog breeds used in the industry?

    2. What are the different types of hog production farms?

"I can" Statements:

  1. I can identify 10 different swine breeds.


  • AS5.c.2.m: Discuss the importance of efficient and economic reproduction in animals.

  • AS5.d.m: Explain genetic inheritance in agricultural animals.

  • AS5.f.2.m: Define natural and artificial breeding methods.

  • AS5.f.4.m: Explain the advantages of major reproductive management practices, including estrous synchronization, super-ovulation, flushing and embryo transfer.

  • AS4.f.5m: Discuss the uses and advantages and disadvantages of natural breeding and artificial insemination.

Week 7: March 8-12-Unit 6 - Dogs & Cats

  • Topics & Essential Questions

  • Dogs - Therapy, Dog Hobbies, Breeds & Care

    • Essential Questions:

    • What ways to dogs assist humans?

    • How are dogs broken into groups?

    • List purebred dog breeds and their purposes.

  • Cats - Breeds & Care

    • Essential Questions:

    1. What breeds of cats are there?

    2. How do cats help humans?

    3. What yearly care does your cat need?

"I can" Statements:

  1. I can identify 20 purebred dog breeds.

  2. I can identify the 7 dog breed groups and the group's purpose or strong points.

  3. I can identify 20 purebred cat breeds.

  4. I can identify the cat veterinary care needs with in the 1 year.


  • AS2.c.3.m: Create a program to develop an animal to its highest potential performance.

  • AS3.a.5.m: Identify common diseases, parasites and physiological disorders that affect animals.

Week 8: March 15-19 Unit 7 - Goat & Sheep

Topics & Essential Questions

  • Goats & Sheep- Handling, Housing & Production

    • Essential Questions:

    1. How are goats and sheep similar? How are they different?

    2. What are housing requirements for goats and sheep?

    3. How do we use goats and sheep in production agriculture?

    4. What are 5 common goat breeds?

    5. What are 5 common sheep breeds?

"I can" Statements:

  1. I can list the general standards that must be met in facilities for production animals.

  2. I can identify 10 goat and sheep breeds.

  3. I can explain how goats and sheep are used in production agriculture.


  • AS7.b.1.m: List the general standards (E.g., environmental, zoning, construction) that must be met in facilities for animal production.

  • AS8.b.1.m: Identify optimal environmental conditions for animals.

Week 9: March 22-26 - Unit 8 Dairy Cattle & Beef Cattle

  • Topics & Essential Questions

  • Dairy Cattle- Reproduction, Farm Types & Milk Production

    • Essential Questions:

    1. How do dairy farms synchronize their heifers/cows to breed at the same time?

    2. How long is a cow's gestation length?

    3. What are pros and cons of natural breeding versus artificial breeding?

    4. How many cows are in WI? In the US?

    5. How much milk does the average cow product daily? How do lactation cycles work?

    6. At what age/weight are beef cattle usually slaughtered for meat consumption?

    7. What are the different phases of the beef industry?

    8. What is bio security? How is it used on the school farm?

    9. What is a zoonotic disease?

    10. What is a balanced ration? How does it vary between cattle, horses, sheep, etc.?

    11. What are dangers involved with working with animals?

    12. What is a Premise ID Number?

"I can" Statements:

  1. I can explain how dairy farmers synchronize cattle with estrous synchronization.

  2. I can identify 5 pros and cons for natural versus artificial insemination breeding.

  3. I can locate a credible source for the WI cow population versus US population.

  4. I can explain how a breeder selects dam/sires for predicting efficient and economical offspring.

  5. I can identify different types of beef cattle operations.

  6. I can explain the importance of bio security in the animal industry.

  7. I can describe how animal identification systems can track an animal's location.


  • AS5.a.2.m: Explain the male and female reproductive organs of the major animal species.

  • AS5.c.2.m: Discuss the importance of efficient and economic reproduction in animals.

  • AS5.d.m: Explain genetic inheritance in agricultural animals.

  • AS5.f.2.m: Define natural and artificial breeding methods.

  • AS5.f.4.m: Explain the advantages of major reproductive management practices, including estrous synchronization, super-ovulation, flushing and embryo transfer.

  • AS4.f.5m: Discuss the uses and advantages and disadvantages of natural breeding and artificial insemination.

  • AS3.b.2.m: Identify an describe zoonotic diseases.

  • AS3.b.3.m: Explain the importance of biosecurity to the animal industry.

  • AS4.a.2.m: Compare and contrast common types of feedstuffs and the roles they play in the diets of animals.

  • AS4.a.3.m: Explain the importance of a balanced ration for animals.

  • AS6.a.2.m: Discuss the dangers involved in working with animals.

  • AS6.b.m: Describe how animal identification systems can track an animal's location, nutrition requirements, production progress and changes in health.

Spring Break - March 29- April 5th -