Fish & Wildlife- Quarter 1

Week 1- Sept. 1-4- Introductions

Topics & Essential Questions

  • Welcome, getting to know each other. SAE (Supervised Agriculture Experience) and FFA

    • Essential Questions:

    1. What is the mission and motto of FFA?

    2. What are the advantages of having a SAE?

"I can" Statements:

  1. "I can" recite the mission and motto of FFA.

  2. "I can" develop my own SAE.

  • Principles of Zoology

    • Essential Questions:

    1. How does the anatomy of an animal impact its ability to survive in the environment?

    2. What are the different classification groups for living things?

"I can" Statements:

  1. "I can" describe how the anatomy of an animal is related to its ability to survive in the environment in which it lives.

  2. "I can" list the different classification levels in the science of taxonomy.


  • AS1.a.5.h: Evaluate and describe characteristics of animals that develop in response to the animals' environment and led to their domestication.

  • AS1.a.7.h: Predict adaptations of animals to production practices and environments.

  • AS2.a.6.h: Classify animals according to the taxonomical classification system.

Week 2: Sept 8-11- Principles of Ecology

Topics & Essential Questions

  • Principles of Ecology

    • Essential Questions:

    1. What is the law of conservation of matter?

    2. What are biotic and abiotic factors in environments?

    3. What are some industrial and nonindustrial pollutants and how do they affect humans and wildlife?

    4. What is the importance of water to living organisms?

    5. What is the difference between food chains, food webs, and food pyramids?

"I can" Statements:

  1. "I can" explain the law of conservation of matter.

  2. "I can" describe and identify abiotic factors and biotic organisms in an environment.

  3. "I can" identify both industrial and nonindustrial pollutants and how they affect humans and wildlife.

  4. "I can" describe the importance of water to living organisms.

  5. "I can" distinguish among food chains, food webs, and food pyramids.


  • NRS.01.01.01.a. Summarize and classify the different kinds of natural resources using common classification schemes.

  • NRS.01.01.02.a. Summarize the components that comprise all ecosystems.

  • NRS.01.01.02.b. Analyze the interdependence of organisms within an ecosystem and assess the dependence of organisms on nonliving components.

  • NRS.01.02.05.a. Research and examine the characteristics use to identify non-living resources (e.g., soil types, climate, geography, etc.).

  • ESS3.b.13.h: Evaluate and analyze environmental hazards created by different types of solid waste, solid waste accumulation and solid waste disposal.

  • ESS3.a.5.h: Provided examples of industrial and nonindustrial pollution impacts on the environment and discuss a local pollution survey.

Week 3: Sept 14-18- Biomes of North America

Topics & Essential Questions

  • Biomes of North America

    • Essential Questions:

    1. What are the terrestrial biomes that are found in North America, what are their similarities and differences?

    2. How do events in one ecosystem affect events in a neighboring ecosystem?

    3. What is the relationship between an ecosystem and a biome?

"I can" Statements:

  1. "I can" name the terrestrial biomes that are found in North America and describe their similarities and differences.

  2. "I can" explain how events in one ecosystem affect events in a neighboring ecosystem.

  3. "I can" describe the relationship between an ecosystem and a biome.


  • NR1.a.6.h: Compare and contrast the interdependence of organisms within an ecosystem.

  • NRS.01.03.02.a. Research and summarize how climate factors influence natural resource systems.

  • NRS.01.02.05.b. Apply techniques to determine the types of non -living resources in an area.

Week 4: Sept 21-25- Invasive and Endangered Species

Topics & Essential Questions

  • Invasive Species

    • Essential Questions:

    1. What qualities do invasive species possess?

    2. What are some ways invasive species affect the environment that they are occupying?

    3. What are some invasive species affecting Wisconsin today?

"I can" Statements:

  1. "I can" clearly determine and express what qualities invasive species possess.

  2. "I can" identify ways that invasive species affect the environment they are occupying.

  3. "I can" identify multiple invasive species that are affecting Wisconsin today.

  • Endangered Species

    • Essential Questions:

    1. What Wisconsin animal species can we identify as endangered?

    2. How can we protect these animals from becoming extinct?

"I can" Statements:

  1. "I can" identify what Wisconsin animal species are endangered.

  2. "I can" devise a plan to help protect an endangered species in Wisconsin.


  • NR2.d.21.h: Discuss factors that influence the establishment and spread of invasive species.

  • NR4.b.7.h: Report the observance of diseases affecting plants to the appropriate authorities.

  • NR4.b.8.h: Report observance of insect pests to the appropriate authorities and describe techniques used to manage pests of natural resources.

  • NRS.01.06.02.a. Research and summarize examples of invasive species.

  • NRS.01.06.02.b. Analyze factors that influence the establishment and spread of invasive species and determine the appropriate steps to prevent or minimize the impact of invasive species.

  • NRS.04.03.02.a. Identify and classify invasive species common to a particular region.

Week 5: Sept 28- Oct 2- Gnawing Mammals

Topics & Essential Questions

  • Gnawing Mammals

    • Essential Questions:

    1. What are the physical characteristics that distinguish gnawing mammals from other animals?

    2. What are the roles of rodents and other gnawing animals in the ecosystems of North America?

    3. What are the effects of declining or expanding populations of gnawing animals on the populations of predators that depend on them for food?

    4. What is the life cycles of gnawing animals?

"I can" Statements:

  1. "I can" identify the physical characteristics that distinguish gnawing animals from other animals.

  2. "I can" define the roles of rodents and other gnawing animals in the ecosystems of North America.

  3. "I can" Predict the effects of declining or expanding populations of gnawing animals on the populations of predators that depend on them for food.

  4. "I can" profile the life cycles of specific gnawing mammals.


  • AS1.a.7.h: Predict adaptations of animals to production practices and environments.

  • AS2.b.9.h: Compare and contrast organ types, functions and body systems adaptations among and between animal species.

  • AS2.b.12.h: Explain the impact of animal body systems on health, growth and reproduction.

  • AS8.b.2.h: Describe the effects of environmental conditions on animal populations and performance.

  • AS.01.02.04.a. Identify and summarize wildlife management methods.

  • AS.01.02.04.b. Research and summarize local wildlife populations, challenges and ecological measures that are being utilized.

  • AS.01.02.04.c. Devise and evaluate plans to manage wildlife populations to achieve optimal ecological health.

  • AS.03.01.02.a. Differentiate between nutritional needs of animal species.

  • AS.07.02.02.a. Identify and describe zoonotic diseases including their historical significance and potential future implications.

  • AS.08.02.01.a. Research and summarize environmental conditions that impact animals (e.g., weather, sources of water, food resources, etc.).

Week 6: Oct 5-9- Predatory and Unusual Mammals

Topics & Essential Questions

  • Predatory Mammals

    • Essential Questions:

    1. How do predators help to stabilize populations of primary consumers?

    2. What effects would total destruction of all predators would have on other animal populations?

    3. How do specific animal populations rise or decline based on food supplies, diseases, environmental accidents, and natural disasters?

"I can" Statements:

  1. "I can" describe how predators help to stabilize populations of primary consumers.

  2. "I can" identify the effects that total destruction of all predators would have on other animal populations.

  3. "I can" explain the rise or decline of specific animal populations due to food supplies, diseases, environmental accidents, and natural disasters.

  • Unusual Mammals

    • Essential Questions:

    1. What are the roles of opossums in the ecosystem of North America?

    2. What are the roles of moles and shrews in the ecosystem of North America?

    3. What is the role of bats in North American ecosystems?

"I can" Statements:

  1. "I can" analyze the role of opossums in the ecosystems of North America.

  2. "I can" identify the roles of moles and shrews in the ecosystems of North America.

  3. "I can" evaluate the roles of bats in North America ecosystems.


  • AS1.a.7.h: Predict adaptations of animals to production practices and environments.

  • AS2.b.9.h: Compare and contrast organ types, functions and body systems adaptations among and between animal species.

  • AS2.b.12.h: Explain the impact of animal body systems on health, growth and reproduction.

  • AS8.b.2.h: Describe the effects of environmental conditions on animal populations and performance.

Week 7: Oct 12-16- Trapping

Topics & Essential Questions

  • Trapping

    • Essential Questions:

    1. What are the materials needed for trapping wildlife?

    2. What are the rules and regulations for trapping in Wisconsin?

    3. What animal species are we allowed to trap in Wisconsin?

"I can" Statements:

  1. "I can" identify the materials needed for trapping wildlife.

  2. "I can" describe the rules and regulations for trapping in Wisconsin.

  3. "I can" identify the animal species we are allowed to trap in Wisconsin.


  • NR3.a.16.h: Describe techniques used in the harvesting of wildlife and aquatic species.

  • NR3.a.17.h: Explain and use techniques to process wildlife and aquatic species.

  • NRS.02.01.01.a. Distinguish between the types of laws associated with natural resources systems.

  • NRS.02.01.02.a. Distinguish between the types of agencies associated with natural resources systems.

Week 8: Oct 19-20- Waterfowl

Topics & Essential Questions

  • Waterfowl

    • Essential Questions:

    1. What birds are classified as waterfowl?

    2. How do hunting regulations contribute to the protection of waterfowl during critical periods in their life cycles?

    3. What are major species of ducks, geese, and swans?

    4. In what ways do migratory instincts of waterfowl contribute to their survival?

    5. What are waterfowl management practices?

    6. What is the migratory nature of waterfowl and how it affects their management.

    7. What are the waterfowl migration routes?

    8. What are factors that limit waterfowl numbers?

"I can" Statements:

  1. "I can" identify birds classified as waterfowl.

  2. "I can" explain how hunting regulations contribute to the protection of waterfowl during critical periods in their life cycles.

  3. "I can" identify major species of North American ducks, geese, and swans.

  4. "I can" suggest ways that the migratory instincts of waterfowl contribute to their survival.

  5. "I can" Describe waterfowl management practices.

  6. "I can" explain the migratory nature of waterfowl and how it affects their management.

  7. "I can" describe waterfowl migration routes.

  8. "I can" list factors that limit waterfowl numbers.

  9. "I can" Explain why international cooperation and coordination are necessary to manage waterfowl successfully.


  • AS1.a.7.h: Predict adaptations of animals to production practices and environments.

  • AS2.b.9.h: Compare and contrast organ types, functions and body systems adaptations among and between animal species.

  • AS2.b.12.h: Explain the impact of animal body systems on health, growth and reproduction.

  • AS8.b.2.h: Describe the effects of environmental conditions on animal populations and performance.

Week 9: Oct 26-30- Waterfowl and Painting Decoy

Topics & Essential Questions

  • Waterfowl

    • Essential Questions:

    1. What birds are classified as waterfowl?

    2. How do hunting regulations contribute to the protection of waterfowl during critical periods in their life cycles?

    3. What are major species of ducks, geese, and swans?

    4. In what ways do migratory instincts of waterfowl contribute to their survival?

"I can" Statements:

  1. "I can" identify birds classified as waterfowl.

  2. "I can" explain how hunting regulations contribute to the protection of waterfowl during critical periods in their life cycles.

  3. "I can" identify major species of North American ducks, geese, and swans.

  4. "I can" suggest ways that the migratory instincts of waterfowl contribute to their survival.


  • AS1.a.7.h: Predict adaptations of animals to production practices and environments.

  • AS2.b.9.h: Compare and contrast organ types, functions and body systems adaptations among and between animal species.

  • AS2.b.12.h: Explain the impact of animal body systems on health, growth and reproduction.

  • AS8.b.2.h: Describe the effects of environmental conditions on animal populations and performance.

Week 10: November 2-4- (End of Quarter 1)- Elk and Moose

Topics & Essential Questions

  • Game Birds

    • Essential Questions:

    1. What major game bird and pigeon species are located in North America?

    2. What are the differences between polygamous and monogamous birds?

    3. What is the role of game birds and pigeons in the ecosystems of North America?

    4. What are the effects that a reduced population of game birds might have on populations of birds of prey that live in the same region?

    5. What is the importance of camouflage coloration in female game birds?

    6. What is the importance of mating rituals among game birds?

"I can" Statements:

  1. "I can" List the kinds of game birds and pigeons that are found in North America.

  2. "I can" distinguish the difference between polygamous and monogamous birds.

  3. "I can" evaluate the roles of game birds and pigeons in the ecosystems of North America.

  4. "I can" determine the effects that a reduced population of game birds might have on populations of birds of prey that live in the same region.

  5. "I can" describe the importance of camouflage coloration in female game birds.

  6. "I can" describe the importance of mating rituals among game birds.


  • AS1.a.7.h: Predict adaptations of animals to production practices and environments.

  • AS2.b.9.h: Compare and contrast organ types, functions and body systems adaptations among and between animal species.

  • AS2.b.12.h: Explain the impact of animal body systems on health, growth and reproduction.

  • AS8.b.2.h: Describe the effects of environmental conditions on animal populations and performance.

  • AS2.c.4.h: Compare and contrast desirable anatomical and physiological characteristics of animals within and between species.

  • AS2.c.6.h: Evaluate and select animals to maximize performance based on anatomical and physiological characteristics that affect health, growth and reproduction.