Divendres 17


Health and well-being in times of confinement require some responsibility and can also open a path for creativity at home. Help us think in 4 simple steps of the best way to stay happy and healthy in this temporary situation.

1) Write a list of public health habits and advice for the quarantine.

Here are some examples:

-stay at home

-wash your hands

-when shopping, keep a 1.5 m. distance

2) Write down some healthy habits at home during the quarantine.

Here are some examples:

-eat healthy

-keep your sleep schedule

-follow an exercise routine

3) Last but not least, think of those healthy habits that will personally help you to feel better.

Here are some examples:

-play games with your family and spend time together

-bake cakes and cookies!

-draw, read and play an instrument

-listen to your favourite songs and share your feelings

4) Choose the most important habits of each list and DESIGN YOUR OWN POSTER.