Music and Arts

Drama Club

Wootton High School's Theatre Department is a pre-professional youth theater program. In a rigorous, process over product program, all students are provided the opportunity to develop their acting, singing, dancing, musical and technical theater skills. Students participate in an all-inclusive, supportive, family-like atmosphere where they are collaborating with each other and staff through,class, intensive workshops and rehearsals during the productions.

Sponsor: Dr. Lazarus

Express Music Club

The mission of Wootton Express Music Club is to provide a safe environment where students can share their musical talents, perform live music for senior citizens, and make a musical impact on the community. 

Sponsor: Ms. Herman

Guitar Club

Guitar club will involve guitar/bass players or people interested in learning the guitar getting together and having a safe and encouraging environment to practice and learn from each other.

Sponsor: Dr. Lazarus

Improv Club

We seek to engage Wootton students through improv or improvisation, a form of theatrical performance which involves spontaneously generating characters, dialogue, and scenes. Our meetings involve learning and practicing a variety of improv games designed to teach our members to think on their feet. Not only are these skills beneficial to theatrical performances, but they improve students' public speaking and conversational skills, and can be applied to interviews and oral presentations.

Sponsor: Dr. Lazarus

Patriot Arts for Teachers (PAT)

This club will let members use their creativity and imagination to have fun creating original paintings while showing appreciation for the Wootton staff. The paintings made will be given as gifts to various Wootton teachers and staff to show them that their work is greatly valued by us students.

Sponsor: Ms. Kim

Photography Club

To promote the appreciation of photography and inform Wootton students how to increase their photography skills. All levels of interest and skill sets are welcome.

Sponsor: Mr. Yanity


Our aim is to provide a space where Wootton students can engage in music discussion and have fun sharing interesting artists. Members will create various slideshows based on genres and present artists to others. Members will also be given the option to participate in creating a cover of a song!!

Sponsor: Ms. Schwarz

Students for the Arts

We are a student based Patrons of the Arts and want to give back to our arts community by fundraising for the arts department. We also want to give back to the patrons for their contribution to the arts department.

Sponsor: Mr. Schwartz