Service and Activism

Amnesty International

The Wootton Chapter of Amnesty International aims to involve students passionate for activism to advocate for human rights. Through educating students about human rights conflicts and taking action by writing short letters to political prisoners, we hope to collectively make a difference in society and fight for justice worldwide - with the ultimate goal of liberating the prisoners.

Sponsor: Ms. Pierce

Baking for Benefit

The club "Baking for Benefit" will allow students to participate in fun collaborative baking activities while also helping the community. We will help fundraise, provide baked items, and more to homeless shelters and people in need.

Sponsor: Ms. Osgood

Bravely Ending Anemia Together (BEAT)

To bring awareness and Bravely End Anemia Together.

Sponsor: Ms. Bauer

Best Buddies

Best Buddies mission is to make Wootton a more inclusive school. Our mission is to also provide friendships for students with and without a disability. 

Sponsor: Ms. Young

Better by Tomorrow Club

Better by Tomorrow seeks to address the social issues that arose from the modernization of the world, including food overproduction, decrease in Social Security benefits for the elderly. With the modernization of the world, more and more often we forget that although quality of life overall has gone up, there are always issues that will appear. For example, we have done our best in terms of producing food in order to ensure that many people don't go hungry but we don't hear as much about the food waste that grocery stores have each and every year. Another example would be production of clothes and fast fashion. It's good that we have the means to manufacture clothes in a fast and efficient manner but we forget about the thousands of dollars of clothes we throw away after a few days of use. 

Sponsor: Ms. Jones

Bracelets for Breast Cancer

Many people in the Wootton community have been or know someone who has been affected by breast cancer. Our club will raise money for awareness of this awful disease by selling adorable bracelets.

Sponsor: Mr. Yanity

Breast Cancer Buddies

Breast Cancer Buddies is a non-profit organization to support newly diagnosed women with breast cancer and pairs them with survivors, to help them on their journey to recovery. This club will support that mission by organizing social events for women currently in treatment and their families, as well as organizing fundraisers to fund meaningful programs. 

Sponsor: Ms. Krawczel

Dunks for Diabetes Club

Our mission at Wootton Dunks for Diabetes is to raise as much money for the American Diabetes Association as possible and to educate members of the Wootton community on diabetes by promoting healthy activities and giving slideshows about the disease.

Sponsor: Ms. Osgood


Families4Families addresses food insecurity and basic needs in our community. Our Wootton F4F chapter collects groceries and other essential items and delivers the donations throughout the school year. 

Sponsor: Ms. Tzioni

Food Allergy Research Education (FARE) Club

This club work with FARE (Food Allergy Research and Education) to provide for their goals and contribute to people with allergies. Next year, we will do allergy friendly food drives, work to raise support for FARE, and other initiatives to support the food allergy community. FARE’s mission is to improve the quality of life and the health of individuals with food allergies, and to provide them hope through the promise of new treatments. As a club, we will piggyback on the larger organization's goals and bring it locally to Wootton.

Sponsor: Ms. Ruderman

Food for Thought Club

Our mission is to reduce food insecurity in and around our community through education, outreach, volunteering and so much more!

Sponsor: Ms. Felterman

High Schoolers for Front Liners (HSFL)

This is a branch out from the main organization called High Schoolers For Front Liners (HSFL) founded by Allison Moon. By spreading exposure of this organization to Wootton, more people will be able to join and contribute towards the goal of helping those who are greatly suffering from the pandemic and others in need. Our mission is to help Wooton students get engaged in helping the community by teaching how to make masks, small pillows, blankets, and other goods to help people get through this pandemic and other hard times. To be specific, the goods and other donations will be sent to front liners, patients, inmates, veterans, and more people in need of such supplies. 

Sponsor: Dr. Wang

Higher Career and Education Development Club

We want to help people get better educated career wise.

Sponsor: Mr. Bauer

Homeless Helpers Club

The main purpose of the club is to have students be able to help the people and families who live in homeless shelters. There are many plans and ideas on how to make the club be very fun and active while also students being able to give back to the homeless community. We are going to write letters and notes to some of the workers at some of the homeless shelters to show them how much we appreciate their hard work. We also will hold different types of drives and give stuff to shelters like toiletries, can goods, and even clothing.

Sponsor: Ms. McCarthy

Jared Box Project

Our club will fundraiser and create registries to be able to buy toys and put together boxes/containers of toys and activities for pediatric cancer patients in the hospital. These boxes will help the children and families of our community know that others are thinking of them and want to help. The toys and activities in the boxes will hopefully be able to give the patients time fillers and stimulating activities during their hospital stay. 

Sponsor: Ms. McDonnell-McKenna

Key Club

Key Club is an international student-led organization that provides members opportunities to participate in volunteer services, build character, and develop leadership.

Sponsor: Ms. Bauer

Leading Against Litter

We will educate our peers at Wootton about the dangers of pollution and how they are effecting the Earth. We will also do trash pickups every 2 months in polluted areas around Potomac, Rockville, and Bethesda. This club will benefit the Wootton community because global warming is a problem right now and will be in the future we are the future so we must be educated in how to stop it. Our mission is not just about cleaning up, it is about creating a culture that promotes cleaning up after ourselves.

Sponsor: Mr. Forsberg

Letters to Congress

Letters To Congress will provide members with the opportunity to discuss prevalent issues in our community and push for actual change by writing letters to local Congressmen. Students will be able to voice their opinions to the leaders of the nation and build critical skills.

Sponsor: Ms. Evans

Lost Dog and Cat Rescue Foundation Club

We coordinate volunteer events with dogs and cats, and host fundraisers raising money and donations for dogs and cats in need. Students at Wootton will be able to earn SSL hours while helping shelter animals. 

Sponsor: Ms. Moomau

Opportunity X

We aim to provide science experiment and lab opportunities to middle schools with underfunded science programs. These acts of services from the Wootton community will count for SSL hour opportunities, give them teaching experience, and allow them the opportunity to help middle school students set the foundations to their future in STEM.

Sponsor: Ms. Polster

Paper Bridges

Paper Bridges is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to helping orphans, foster children, and other vulnerable kids around the world through empowering the community to take action. We send handwritten letters and emotional support to orphanages to share love and hope, as well as create educational material, provide tutoring, and send care packages to vulnerable children.

Sponsor: Ms. Osgood

Patriot Ambassadors

Patriot Ambassadors is a leadership organization that aims to create a welcoming and supportive environment within the Wootton community and beyond.

Sponsor: Ms. Steppling and Ms. Silcox

Paving Pathways

Our mission is to reach out to underprivileged schools in our area and inform them of various pathways they can take to better their futures, as well as further their educations. We will work as a club to close the opportunity gap and allow students in areas with less resources to be given the same information and resources we are given in a more opportune environment. By traveling to various Elementary, Middle, and High Schools in Montgomery County, we will directly make changes not just within Wootton but throughout MCPS. 

Sponsor: Ms. Vance

Planting for Peace

At Planting for Peace, we aspire to provide students with an opportunity to take care of plants in order to donate them to hospitals, nursing homes, and other parts of the community that need to be uplifted during these incredibly stressful times. We believe that the care and keeping of indoor plants can improve productivity, air quality, mindfulness, and mood in various facilities. We hope to give love, positivity, and most importantly, peace, through the donations of our potted plants. We have already reached out to the Adventist HealthCare Shady Grove Medical Center, whose staff have gladly accepted our future donations. We hope to reach out to more places in the near future. When we donate the potted plants, we will write cards to the receivers, saying uplifting and encouraging words.

Sponsor: Ms. Foeckler

Red Cross Club

The Red Cross Club strives to foster positive change in the Wootton community by taking it upon ourselves to do what we can. We will aid in hosting two blood drives during the school year. A few other projects will be undertaken (e.g. raising funds for the Measles and Rubella Initiative through the Vaccinate a Village project), decided by the members themselves, in line with the Red Cross's missions. Our club hopes to empower the Wootton community by providing opportunities to take substantial steps toward both the local and international betterment of the world.

Sponsor: Mr. Benya

Rotary Interact Club

Our mission is to come together as teenagers to make a difference in the community through charitable work. 

Sponsor: Ms. Moomau

Small Things Matter

Our club would be representing the Small Things Matter organization at our school. It is a non-profit organization that donates food, materials, and arts and crafts, to people in need. This club would benefit the Wootton community because students can learn how to help others in need by making supplies, participating in fundraisers, and donating food and otherwise materials. It is important to help the people in our community and through small things matter, Wootton students can develop these skills.

Sponsor: Ms. Kocani

Students Stand with Soldiers

Our clubs mission is to provide care packages for those in the army. We hope to inform our club members on the importance of providing for those who serve us and plan events to fundraise and donate to organizations that send our care packages out and work towards the same goal. 

Sponsor: Ms. Hosking

Summer Camp Opportunities Promote Education (SCOPE) Club

We want to help send kids to sleep away camp where they can learn life skills and form friendships that will last a lifetime. Our club will help bring kids from Wootton together to learn the value of giving others the opportunity of camp that will transform their lives. We both have experienced camp and want to share the experience with as many others as we can. 

Sponsor: Mr. Bitler


Wootton UNICEF strives to empower its members with the resources and skills to be effective global citizens. Club members will have opportunities to think globally and cat locally for the world's most vulnerable children. 

Sponsors: Ms. Burk

Women in Leadership Club

Women In Leadership will celebrate women in leadership positions and examine the paths they took to get there. It’s meant to educate others of the obstacles females face in accomplishing leadership positions and also educate all students in how to overcome the obstacles. We can empower each other by learning about feminist issues and fighting for women empowerment.This club is meant to educate and inspire! 

Sponsor: Ms. Hosking

Wootton Activists

The Wootton High School Activists are a student organization established in 2017 encouraging advocacy & political involvement in the greater Wootton community. All respectful opinions are welcome at meetings!

Sponsor: Ms. Buckingham

Youth Volunteers Club

We are a club dedicated to demonstrating and promoting the importance of community-oriented goodwill and altruism via volunteering. We believe that devoting one's time and energy to a cause for the greater good is a uniquely fulfilling, life-changing experience that everyone should be able to enjoy; to this end, we work to ensure that convenient, easily accessible, legitimate volunteering opportunities are available to all who are interested. We carefully search for and curate volunteer opportunities involving a wide variety of subjects and activities so that students can spend less time researching what to do and more time actually doing! 

Sponsor: Ms. Foeckler