Class Planning and SGA

Wootton Student Government Association (SGA)

Co-Presidents - Zo Singh and Rhea Chelar

Treasurer -  Emma Yuan

Secretary - Ashi Stanislaus

Historian - Madeline Eig

Sponsor: Ms. Buckingham

Class of 2024 - Senior Planning

President - Kelly Ren

Vice President - Aneela Shemsu

Treasurer -  John Wang

Secretary - RJ Cui

Sponsors: Mr. Schwartz

Class of 2025 - Junior Planning

President - Noah Friedman

Vice President - Naima Cho-Khaliq

Treasurer -  Joseph Lee

Secretary - Justin Kim

Sponsors: Ms. McCarthy and Ms. Broe

Class of 2026 - Sophomore Planning

President - Mia Coven

Vice President - Aiden Sherr

Treasurer -  Grant McGraw

Secretary - Joanna Jacob

Sponsor: Ms. Morejon Manzanilla

Class of 2027 - Freshman Planning

President - TBD

Vice President - TBD

Treasurer -  TBD

Secretary - TBD

Sponsor: TBD