Science and Technology

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Club 

The purpose of Wootton’s AI/ML club is to introduce students to the basic concepts of Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning and emphasize the importance of how it can be used to bring a positive impact on modern and future society. Students will also get an opportunity to participate in discussions and competitions while having fun, making new friends and connecting with like-minded people. Anyone interested can join and no prior experience is needed. 

Sponsor: Ms. Kumar

Chemistry Club 

The mission of Chemistry Club is to promote science for the Wootton community. Through hands-on and educational experiments, we strive to help students connect and love chemistry.

Sponsor: Dr. Wang

Cybersecurity Club 

The Cybersecurity club is a club that is dedicated to learning about cybersecurity and applying cybersecurity knowledge to various out-of-school competitions such as PicoCTF and Lockheed Martin Cyberquest. This club offers a place for people interested in technology, particularly computer security to gather and build their understanding of computer vulnerabilities. Meetings will consist of presentations and time to work through cybersecurity challenges. Anyone can join, regardless of prior knowledge/experience in any kind of technology. 

Sponsor: Mr. Marshall

Envirothon Team

Our mission is to promote environmental awareness, conservation, and education among the community. We will train students to compete at the annual Montgomery County Envirothon Competition in the subjects of aquatics, wildlife, forestry, and soils. We aim to deepen our understanding of and connection to the natural world through hands-on learning, research, innovation, and collaboration. We hope to develop the lifelong skills needed to address various environmental challenges. Our goal is to inspire others to join us in protecting and preserving the environment for current and future generations.

Sponsor: Mr. Michael Thompson

Future Engineers of America

We aim to enhance students' experience and knowledge in engineering by improving their engineering abilities while promoting skills such as leadership and communication through activities and lessons.

Sponsor: Mr. Michael Thompson

Girls Who Code

The Girls Who Code at Wootton is a local chapter of the national Girls Who Code organization which aims to “close the gender gap in technology and to change the image of what a programmer looks like and does," and encourage more females to pursue a career in the computer science/ technology field. This club will benefit the Wootton community by providing a space for girls to come together and share their knowledge and experiences in computer science, gain technical skills, develop their career, and build a supportive community of female computer scientists at Wootton.

Sponsor: Ms. Jang

Greenhouse Club

Our club is dedicated to promoting sustainable practices and environmental awareness both in school and in the community. Our club aims to create a community of like-minded individuals who are committed to making a positive impact on the environment. Club members will be able to help turn the Wootton Greenhouse into a flourishing garden. By joining the Greenhouse Club, you'll have the opportunity to meet other environmentally-conscious individuals, learn more about sustainability, and make a positive impact on our school. Let's work together to create a more sustainable future!

Sponsor: Mr. Bitler

Kids are Scientists Too

Kids Are Scientists Too's mission is to give opportunities for Wootton Students to teach elementary schoolers the joys and wonders of science and to show children the pillars of science through easy and fun science experiments. The goal is to teach children the science behind mind-bending experiments.

Sponsor: Ms. Hanson

Marine Biology Club

The mission of this club is to spread awareness to the Wootton community about the severe environmental issues undergoing marine life in order to support ocean conservation groups in their effort to rehabilitate the oceans.

Sponsor: Mr. Michael Thompson

Neuroscience Club

We are dedicated to the study of neurological disorders and experiments that are being conducted to solve these problems. We acknowledge that neurodegenerative diseases have a resounding and serious impact on our community, and we hope to use our club to bolster the perspectives of people who have been affected by them in their lives. In our club, we hope to read and have open discussions about ongoing experiments so that we are caught up to date on the latest research. The main goal of our club will be to raise awareness and inform others about the importance of neuroscience in our daily lives.

Sponsor: Ms. Polster

Physics Club

Provide physics help/tutoring, cover interesting physics topics, and prepare students for competitions such as f=ma and PhysicsBowl.

Sponsor: Mr. Michael Thompson

Project Empower

Project Empower is a nonprofit organization that was founded to bring students together and use their knowledge to help underprivileged communities through computer science. At Wootton, opening a chapter would mean creating a place for students to come together and create to help other students in the community through different computer science projects and opportunities. 

Sponsor: Mr. Marshall

Satellite Club

Our mission is to bring together all Wootton students who share an interest in anything space, rockets, and satellites. Apart from getting hands-on with technology, members will also be exposed to more advanced concepts through coding and CAD. We foster a welcoming, interactive, and curious environment for all interested in the complicated field of space. 

Sponsor: Mr. Michael Thompson

Scientific Research Club

Scientific Research Club is meant for students who have an interest in scientific research, and the various careers associated with that field. It aims to help students gain a better understanding of the various aspects of scientific research, as well as discover future career paths, extracurricular activities, and provide possible research opportunities. 

Sponsor: Mr. Bitler

STEM Career Club

Our mission is to help Wootton students find an internship or job relating to Stem. This includes resume-writing labs, mock interviews, and writing personal statements etc. Guest speakers would also be invited to teach students more about their careers in Stem. This would benefit the Wootton Community by helping students gather work experience outside of school within STEM. 

Sponsor: Ms. Huang


Research problems around the world that people face on a daily basis and build a device that could help combat that problem using recyclable materials you can find at home! Choose topics every month and work on your designs to present by the end of the month. Channel your creativity and make the device any size or shape you want that you think would satisfy the objective. Learn important engineering principles like the engineering design process and incorporate them into your designs. Be an engineer working on real world problems!

Sponsor: Mr. Michael Thompson

Technology Student Association (TSA)

Wootton TSA aims to improve the technological skills of its members through various competitions that emphasize and interact with different aspects of technology. TSA enhances personal development, leadership, and career opportunities in STEM, whereby members apply and integrate these concepts through extracurricular activities, competitions, and related programs. It provides an encouraging environment where everyone is welcome to join!

Sponsor: Mr. Marshall

Women in STEM

We aim to empower and form a community of women leaders in STEM by providing a safe space through various support and enrichment activities. Club activities include academic and social events, mentorship, guest speakers, networking, outreach, volunteer, and scholarship opportunities.

Sponsor: Ms. Polster

Young Scientists of America

Young Scientists of America is committed to expanding access to and providing opportunities for scientific research and writing among students, while also implementing programs for science education equality. Through our Young Scientists Blog publications and journal club presentations, we aim to foster a love of science and scientific inquiry among our members, and to provide them with the resources they need to explore their interests and pursue their passions.

Sponsor: Mr. Michael Thompson