Speech and Debate

Debate Team

Wootton's Debate Team seeks to propel activism within the community by developing skills including public speaking, research, and collaboration. We set rigorous expectations that help prepare students for all future occupations in some form or manner. Furthermore, we work on nurturing skills prominent in students already and emphasizing them. 

Sponsor: Ms. Boswell and Ms. Kaplan

Interviewing Club

In Interviewing Club we learn important life skills that will help you secure internships and jobs that will help further your goals.

Sponsor: Ms. Swan

Mock Trial

To provide students with the opportunity to partake in a real civil and criminal trial experience as both lawyers and witnesses, as well as educate them on how to become more well-versed within the field of law.

Sponsor: Ms. Burk

Model United Nations

Wootton Model UN empowers students to become a better version of their inherent self. Through weekly Tuesday meetings, we learn and practice valuable life skills like research, public speaking, leadership, and diplomacy with the goal of solving pressing global issues, similar to the work of the real United Nations. To put these lessons into practice, our team - ranked top 25 in North America - attends numerous conferences hosted by local high schools and nationally-renowned colleges, which gives our members the opportunity to meet people from across the world. Further, we organize our own annual conference with over 400 attendees, ensuring that Wootton has a lasting legacy in the DC-MD-VA area.

Sponsor: Ms. Buckingham

Public Policy Club

Our club debates contemporary topics in a debate/Model UN format. Club members conduct research before each meeting and have to do quick thinking and formulate responses instantaneously. 

Sponsor: Mr. Chris Thompson

What's Up Wootton

We have a goal to create a functioning show for the school, outside of the existing morning news show. We aim to interview players, teachers, students and learn what is happening in the Wootton Community.

Sponsor: Mr. Jacobs