Health and Wellness

Dental Club

Our club's mission is to spread the knowledge of the dental field to all wootton students who are interested and allow them to be exposed to the parts of the mouth, the effects of dental hygeine, and the consequences that come with poor maintance of the mouth along with its solutions/procedures to fix them. Furthermore, we hope to create a community for those who enjoy dentistry and create a safe and focused space for dental knowledge to be shared with one another. 

Sponsor: Ms. Pollin

Fitness and Weightlifting Club

The Wootton Fitness and body positivity club will help the Wootton students by teaching how to eat healthier food options/proper nutrition, teach exercise form, how to build exercise plans, ways to get active, teaching body positivity and how to respect others. All of these plans will help each individual member of the club obtain skills that will help for the rest of their lives, but overall our main goal is to increase the fitness and overall health of Wootton.

Sponsor: Mr. Long

Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA)

The mission of HOSA is to empower HOSA-Future Health Professionals to become leaders in the global health community through education, collaboration, and experience.

Sponsor: Ms. Eversley


Our mission is to equip teens with the lifelong skills they will need in order to save and protect the lives of those in danger, and educate on the importance of lifesaving abilities.

Sponsor: Ms. Swan

Nutrition Club

Do you want to learn how to lose weight fast? Do you want to build up muscles with a healthy diet? Nutrition club has the answer for you. We help every member to develop diet plans to achieve a health goal while teaching members the essential nutrition knowledge to maintain a suitable diet for life after High School. Additionally, food labs will be held to encourage collaboration and inspire students to cook their own healthy meals.

Sponsor: Ms. Daugherity

 Patriot Mind Matters

Mental health is important. We strive to focus on its awareness and discussion through various outlets such as games, activities, and discussions. MindMatters is always a safe space and will always provide thoroughly researched information on mental health, while aiming to spark conversation.

Sponsor: Ms. Branham and Ms. Elkassabany

Pediatric Medical Care Club

The Pediatric Medical Care Club's mission is to gather students with a common interest in pediatric medical care in order to learn more together and from each other while also helping each other discover opportunities, colleges, and future career paths related to this field. 

Sponsor: Ms. Felterman

Sound of Silence

There are students at Wootton who tend to be quieter and more introverted. I am one of these students. This portion of students may struggle while socializing with others who are more extroverted and dominant. These students are even sometimes bullied. This club will focus on helping these students accept themselves as they are, build up confidence, improve social skills and public speaking, and deal with being misunderstood and underestimated.

Introverted students would have a safe space where they can improve all the skills mentioned above, which will benefit them even after their high school life. This club can provide emotional support for any student who is facing bullying or struggling with their social life. Such support would come from peer students (in addition to help from school counselors or mental health professionals) who have experienced similar struggles, which would be more relatable. This club would help the Wootton community become a safe space for students with different personalities. 

Sponsor: Ms. Ruderman


UMTTR is a club to change the story from bullying, depression and suicide to a positive, compassionate culture where every person matters.

Sponsor: Ms. Buckingham