College & Career Center Visits

College Recruiters/Admissions Counselors: Please use RepVisits to schedule a visit.

Military Reps/Employers: Email to schedule a lunch visit (Tuesday through Thursday from 11:10 to 11:57 am)

College visits at Quince orchard

This is an excellent time for students to learn more about specific colleges and their application processes. Most often, the admissions representative who visits Quince Orchard is the person who will review the student's application.  

All students are welcome to attend any college visit held at Quince Orchard HS.

How To Sign-Up For College Visits:

Students must sign up at least 24 hours before the college visit

Students should check their email the day before their visit - they will receive a confirmation email (location and time to report will listed)

Students must present the email confirmation on their Chromebook to their teacher, which serves as the student pass.

You MUST check in with your teacher before attending to be excused from the class period.

Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 Visits at Quince Orchard High School

Please check the schedule periodically - the schedule is subject to change at any time. 

Students - please register for visits on Naviance.

If you have any questions stop by room 103 or please contact Ms. Romero at or call (240) 740-3670

Military / career Visits

Military and career recruiters will be in the main lobby during lunch. Keep an eye out for upcoming visits in your email.

Maryland air national guard

Production Recruiter: Senior Airman Fusia - | (443) 992-8291