MSDE State Complaints
The Family Support & Dispute Resolution Branch of the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) is responsible for receiving, investigating and issuing findings regarding state complaints. MSDE has established procedure for the systematic investigation of complaints alleging violations of the IDEA.
Parents/guardians and others, including an organization or individual from another state, have the right to file a signed written complaint with the MSDE regarding the identification, evaluation, placement, or the provision of FAPE to a student. The complaint must allege that a state or federal law, or regulation regarding students with disabilities has been violated and include factual information on which to base an investigation and a proposed resolution of the problem. The complaint must allege a violation that occurred not more than one year prior to MSDE’s receipt of the complaint. A copy of the complaint must be sent to MCPS at the time it is filed with MSDE.
MSDE has 60 days to complete an investigation and provide a written response to allegations. MSDE investigators may conduct onsite interviews with MCPS staff involved in the complaint. With the consent of the complainant, MSDE may permit MCPS to engage in mediation or other dispute resolution processes to attempt to resolve the complaint.
Upon completion of its investigation, MSDE issues a Letter of Findings (LOF) to the complainant and to MCPS regarding the allegations contained in the complaint. The LOF includes a statement of the issues investigated including any additional issues determined during the course of the investigation, and MSDE’s conclusions in regard to each issue. If MSDE determines that violations of state or federal law occurred, the LOF prescribes corrective actions that must be taken by MCPS in regard to the student, the school, other similarly situated students, and/or the school system. The LOF sets timelines for carrying out the corrective actions and reporting back to MSDE.
Legal Authority:
34 CFR §300.151 et seq.; COMAR 13A.05.01.15A