Behavioral Supports

Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA)

An FBA is a assessment that requires IEP team members to gather information that reliably predicts the conditions and/or circumstances surrounding students' behaviors that is considered inappropriate; and therefore, interferes with their learning or that of other students. The purpose of an FBA is to improve the effectiveness and the efficiency of behavioral interventions. The process involves:

  • observing the student when and where the behavior is thought to occur;

  • analyzing antecedents, environmental conditions, and consequences of the behavior;

  • proposing a hypothesis that explains the relationship between the behavior and the specific conditions that appear to predict and maintain the behavior;

  • collecting information to confirm the hypothesis and gathering baseline data; and

  • assessing the validity of the hypothesis by collecting additional information.

An FBA is considered an evaluation for which parental consent is required under IDEA for students with IEPs. If an FBA is being completed for students with an IEP, parental consent is obtained at an IEP team meeting. The school psychologist should be included in the development of the FBA.

Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP)

A BIP is a proactive, data-driven plan designed to address problem behavior through the use of positive behavior interventions, strategies, and supports. The process for developing and implementing the BIP includes:

  • reviewing the data and findings of the FBA;

  • developing positive interventions to be employed to address the behavior across school settings;

  • teaching the student a replacement behavior or skill that serves the same functional intent as the problem behavior;

  • reaching consensus that the interventions can be implemented as designed;

  • establishing criteria for success and an attainable timeline to measure success;

  • teaching staff members how to implement the interventions as necessary;

  • monitoring and evaluation activities and responsibilities; and

  • analyzing the data and adjusting the plan as needed.

Legal Authority:

COMAR 13A.08.04.02