What is Placement?
The U.S. Department of Education and courts have consistently held that placement refers to the provision of special education services rather than to a specific place such as a specific classroom or school. Placement, therefore, does not mean the location of the services. The location where services will be provided is at the discretion of the school system and is a function of the allocation of district resources.
The primary principle governing placement decisions is that they must be made in conformity with the LRE requirements based upon the student’s specific needs. The LRE principle is intended to ensure that a student with a disability is educated with children who are nondisabled in the LRE to the maximum extent appropriate to meet their needs. Additionally, placement of students with disabilities in special classes and separate schools outside of general education should occur only if the nature or severity of the disability is such that education in regular classes with the use of supplementary aids and services cannot be achieved satisfactorily.
Placement decisions shall be made according to IDEA requirement. When considering placement, MCPS shall ensure that:
The educational placement decision of a student with a disability is:
Made by the IEP team;
Made in conformity with LRE provisions and requirements;
Determined at least annually;
Based on the student's IEP; and
As close as possible to the student's home;
Unless the IEP of a student requires some other arrangement, the student shall be educated in the school or typical early childhood setting that the student would attend if not disabled;
When MCPS provides preschool programs for students without disabilities, a continuum of alternative placements is provided to students with disabilities to ensure that students are provided services and instruction with their nondisabled peers to the extent possible. MCPS also may provide a continuum of alternative placements in preschool programs operated by private and public organizations in which a preschool student with a disability is enrolled.
Who Makes the Placement Decisions?
Placement decisions are made by the IEP team. School-based IEP teams make decisions about placements for all school-based services, including placement in special education classes.
A Central Individualized Education Program team (CIEP) referral is made when a student’s needs cannot be met in a regular comprehensive school setting. The CIEP team examines cases when the current school placement is unable to meet a student's needs as established in the IEP. The CIEP team will consider and determine the appropriate placement for the student.
The role of the student’s general education teacher on the IEP team is especially important in making LRE determinations. The general educator’s knowledge of the subject and grade-appropriate curriculum can help determine appropriate positive behavioral interventions, supplementary aids and services, program modifications, and supports for school personnel that will enable the student to access the general education curriculum.
Non-Academic Settings
A student with disabilities must be provided with an equal opportunity to participate with nondisabled students in nonacademic and extracurricular services and activities, including during meals and recess periods, to the maximum extent appropriate and consistent with the needs of the child. Any aids, services, and other supports a student with a disability requires to participate must be provided.
Nonacademic and extracurricular services and activities may include—
counseling services;
health services;
graduation activities;
recreational and social activities;
special interest groups or clubs sponsored by MCPS;
referrals to agencies that provide assistance to individuals with disabilities; and
employment by MCPS and assistance in making outside employment available.
Course Offerings
Students with disabilities must have an equal opportunity to participate in the same variety of educational programs and services available to nondisabled MCPS students including, but not limited to, art, music, career and technology education programs, and other electives. The academic school day for students with disabilities cannot be shortened for them to participate in such programs and services.
Each student with a disability must be afforded the equal opportunity to participate in the regular physical education program available to nondisabled students unless the student is enrolled full time in a separate public or private day school or requires adaptive physical education, as outlined in their IEP.
Referrals for Additional Student Support
If a school IEP team anticipates that a student with a disability may require special education services that are not available in their school, the principal (or their designee) must contact appropriate staff members in DSES to discuss whether revisions to the IEP are needed for the student to continue in the current program and placement. The IEP team must consider the student's needs, the interventions the school has provided to the student, whether consideration of a more restrictive environment is appropriate, and identify any appropriate strategies, interventions, supplementary aids and supports, and document the basis for the proposed placement. The purpose of this consultation is to ensure that all placements conform to LRE requirements. The outcome of the consultation may be the identification of resources that can support the student in their current placement or the continuation of the referral process for a more restrictive placement.