Preparing for IEP Meetings

Staff Responsibilities Prior to the Annual Review IEP Team Meeting

At least one of the student’s general education and special education teachers must attend the annual review IEP team meeting for the duration of the meeting.

Prior to the meeting, all staff members who provide services to the student must:

  • review the student’s progress; and

  • be prepared to make recommendations for IEP goals and services based on that progress and on the results of any assessments that have been conducted.

For students who will turn age 14 or older during the year in which the IEP is effective, a designated staff member must interview the student concerning their postsecondary interests and preferences and report on the interview to the annual review IEP team.

Documents prepared for review at the IEP meeting shall be provided to the parent no less than five- business days prior to the IEP meeting. (See the Five-Day Document Rule)

Documentation Needed during Annual Review IEP Team Meeting

The IEP team will need the following:

  • Sign-in sheet

  • The student’s draft IEP

  • ESY pages and brochure, if applicable

  • A draft transition plan for students who will turn age 14 or older during the IEP cycle

  • Draft present levels of academic achievement and functional performance, goals and objectives, supplementary aids and supports, and instructional and testing accommodations

  • Graduate requirements (if transition is to be considered)

  • Answers to Frequently Asked Questions About Transition (if transition is to be considered)

  • Transition Planning and Anticipated Services in the IEP Process (if transition is to be considered)

  • MCPS Form #336-32: Authorization for the Release of Confidential Information (if referral to outside agencies is part of the transition planning discussion) or if other private providers are invited

  • A copy of the Parental Rights—Maryland Procedural Safeguards Notice. (Note: IDEA 2004 requires that parents/guardians be given a copy of this brochure once a year. In MCPS, this will be done at the annual review IEP team meeting)

  • The Maryland Insurance Administration's Parents' Guide to Habilitative Services, if applicable

Follow-up Responsibilities

The IEP, PWN, and any other documents drafted during the IEP meeting must be finalized and sent to the parent/guardian within five-business days of the IEP meeting.

If needed, the parents’/guardians’ written authorization for releasing confidential information should be forwarded to the appropriate agency.

If ESY decision-making was deferred, an IEP team meeting should be scheduled later in the year.

All original documents must be included in the student’s confidential file.

Procedures when a Parent/Guardian Submits a Report of a Non-MCPS Assessment

The IEP team must review and consider all information or documents provided by the parents/guardians, regardless of how old the document is or the type of document. All documents provided by the parents/guardians should be date stamped with the date the document was received by the school. If the report is provided at the time of an IEP team meeting, the team should document and describe the report and the date received in the Parental Input section of the IEP. It is at the IEP team's discretion to decide to review the outside report at the time it is received or to inform the parent/guardian that it will be reviewed at a later meeting after the team has had an opportunity to review it. If a subsequent meeting is required to review the non-MCPS assessment, the IEP team shall convene no later than 30 days from the date the assessment was received.

The IEP team should follow the criteria for completing MCPS Form 336-68, Team Consideration of External Report, when reviewing a parentally-provided private assessment, report, or document. Once the report is reviewed and considered by the IEP team it should be used to update the Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance section of the IEP. A copy of the completed form and accompanying private report/document must be uploaded to MOIEP. A paper copy should be placed in the student's confidential file.