Specialized Transportation
IDEA requires IEP teams to consider a student's needs for specialized transportation if it is required for a student to access the LRE.
A student requires specialized transportation if:
the IEP team recommends a program location other than the student’s home school; or
the student requires transportation due to the nature of their disability, regardless of how close the school is to the student’s home.
The determination of whether a student requires specialized transportation is made after the IEP team has recommended an educational placement for the student and a program location for the implementation of the student’s IEP has been determined.
If the IEP team determines a student with a disability cannot be educated in the school or typical early childhood setting the student would attend if not disabled, the IEP shall document the specialized transportation needs of the student, including consideration of the effect transportation may have on the student in relation to the:
Student's age and disability;
Specialized equipment needs of the student;
Personnel needed to assist the student during transportation;
Amount of time involved in transporting the student; and
Distance the student will be transported.