About Us

Organization Chart

Mission of OSE

The mission of Office of Special Education (OSE) is to provide, implement, and monitor the delivery of a seamless continuum of services for students with disabilities from birth through age 21, to prepare them for college, career, and community readiness. OSE supports schools to ensure the success of every student with disabilities by supporting families through the Individualized Education Program (IEP) process and in their student’s education. Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) provides a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) to all students with disabilities in need of special education and related services.

Major Functions

OSE provides a comprehensive continuum of academic and social/emotional services, interventions, and supports to students receiving special education services, from birth to age 21, ensuring access to high quality and rigorous instruction within the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE). With an emphasis on increased expectations and support, OSE develops, coordinates, and enhances efforts to align general and special education instruction, develops and monitors a broad continuum of special education service models, and supports the Extended School Year (ESY) program. OSE monitors compliance with special education processes, services, and due process rights for students and families. OSE promotes and coordinates the use of the technology necessary to meet the needs of students with disabilities and provides comprehensive Professional Learning Opportunities (PLOs) for central office and school-based staff members. OSE supports and collaborates with students, families, staff and community members, and multiple organizations across Montgomery County with a focus on learning, accountability, and results for students receiving special education services.

Department of Special Education Services

Department of Special Education Services (DSES) provides the resources needed to improve teaching and learning for students with disabilities by increasing their access to rigorous differentiated instruction and authentic assessment for learning in the LRE. Although MCPS has made steady progress in improving access to general education classes for school-age students with disabilities, we continue to explore avenues that will support inclusive opportunities and improve student outcomes.

Division of Prekindergarten, Special Programs, and Related Services

Division of Prekindergarten, Special Programs, and Related Services (DPSPRS) provides services to families and children ages birth to kindergarten through a seamless, comprehensive, and coordinated system of services. Special education services may be delivered in specialized programs to students with Autism Spectrum Disorders, deafness, hearing and vision impairments, and physical disabilities. Related services help students to access and be successful in their educational settings. The focus of DPSPRS is to provide services to the greatest extent possible in the LRE, including the natural environment for students served by the Montgomery County Infants and Toddlers Program (MCITP). For students ages 3 to kindergarten, DPSPRS strives to provide services in regular early childhood settings while prioritizing early mathematics, literacy, and social/emotional skills to better prepare young students with disabilities for kindergarten.

Division of Business, Fiscal and Information Systems

Division of Business, Fiscal and Information Systems (DBFIS) develops and implements an effective budgeting process to provide special education services through staffing, technology support, and resources for students from birth to age 21; monitors financial and operational activities to ensure compliance with required grant reporting and applicable district policies; implements the Medical Assistance Program (MAP), including the verification of student eligibility, claims processing, and monitoring, as well as the Medicaid Home and community-based Autism Waiver Program (AWP); provides comprehensive ESY services and services to eligible special education students enrolled in private and religious schools.

Resolution and Compliance Unit

Resolution and Compliance Unit (RACU) works with families to provide technical assistance in understanding and accessing their procedural safeguards under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; facilitates requests for administrative reviews, mediation, due process hearings, response to the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) complaints; and provides technical assistance, direct support, and professional learning opportunities for central office and school-based staff members related to compliance with state and federal laws.

Central Placement Unit

Central Placement Unit (CPU) ensures that IEP services to students in nonpublic programs are delivered in compliance with all federal and state regulations by reviewing the continuum of placements from least to more restrictive, based upon the unique, individual needs of the student. CPU also plays a key role in identifying opportunities to expand services in public programs to prevent students with disabilities from having to enter more restrictive nonpublic programs.

Technical Assistance

For technical assistance regarding the provision of special education services, contact your special education area supervisor, program supervisor, or related services supervisor. The names and telephone numbers of the supervisors are available on the MCPS website.

Questions concerning the implementation of the Maryland online IEP (MOIEP) may be directed to the MOIEP project manager, DBFIS, at 240-740-3850.

For technical assistance with compliance with special education legal requirements, contact RACU at 240-740-3230.