Initial Evaluation Documentation

Documentation Needed at the Initial Referral IEP Team Meeting

During the initial referral IEP team meeting, the IEP team should review all existing information and data including any information provided by parents/guardians that will inform the IEP team about a student's suspected disability, academic strengths and weaknesses, and any other needs the student may have.

  • MCPS and the parent/guardian shall complete the following documents prior to or during the initial referral meeting to gather relevant information about the student.

  • The IEP team will complete the Notice and Consent for AssessmentInitial form on MOIEP even if the student does not require any formal assessments for the team to proceed with the initial eligibility determination (by checking no assessments needed).

  • The following documents may need to be completed at the meeting:

  • The IEP team will review the above information as well as the student's school record and determine the following:

      • whether the IEP team suspects an educational disability;

            • If the IEP team does NOT suspect an educational disability, then the student may be determined not eligible for special education and related services and the team's decision shall be documented in the PWN, Child Find Referral and Notice, and Consent for Assessment.

                • No further action is required and no IEP is developed.

            • If the IEP team does suspect an educational disability, the IEP team will determine the following:

                • whether the IEP team needs additional information or assessments to determine if the student has a disability;

                  • The team will propose specific assessments to evaluate the student in all areas of suspected disability, provide the parent/guardian informed consent, and provide the parent/guardian with the Notice and Consent for Assessment to sign permission to test in the identified areas.

                • whether the IEP team has sufficient information to determine if the student has a disability;

                  • The team can move forward to make a determination regarding what is the student's education disability under IDEA and whether the disability negatively impacts the student's ability to access the general education curriculum such that the student needs specially designed instruction.

In making a determination regarding whether additional information is needed or whether the team has sufficient information to determine eligibility for special education and related services, the evaluation process should be sufficiently comprehensive to inform the development of an IEP if one is ultimately needed;

The IEP determines whether assessments need to be referred to BAT if the student is an English language learner. BAT is a multilingual, multicultural, interdisciplinary unit designed to collaborate with IEP teams when gathering and interpreting data about English language learners who are suspected of having an educational disability. Requests for Language Dominance testing should be made at the same time the referral is entered into MOIEP. Schools must obtain parental consent using Notice and Consent for Assessment and forward the authorization and referral to BAT after the initial IEP meeting.

Documentation Needed During the Initial Evaluation IEP Team Meeting

The IEP team must ensure that the information obtained from all sources is documented and carefully considered at the evaluation meeting. At a minimum, the IEP team will need the following:

The IEP team may choose to document the discussion on MCPS Form #336-01: Addendum to MCPS Forms, or on the Notes and Decisions section of the Notice of IEP Team Meeting; however, the PWN must be completed for all meetings. All printed and signed forms, including signed written reports of each assessor, must be attached electronically to MOIEP and originals must be placed in the student's paper file.

If the IEP team suspects the student may have a specific learning disability, the IEP team should refer to the MSDE, Technical Assistance Bulletin, Specific Learning Disability and Supplements (November 7, 2016) for updated guidance.