COVID-19 Resources

If you have questions related to COVID-19, you can text "COVID19" to 211-211, visit, or call 211. Keep in mind that call volumes are high, please be patient and try to use the text or online options first.

This is a great resource for parents, caregivers, and educators from the Autism Partnership of Eastseals Chicago.

This article breaks down suggestions and guidance based on children's developmental age

Tips for parents/guardians with older children at home during the coronavirus crisis. How to validate their feelings and help them stay active and healthy.

Tips from the Child Mind Institute's clinicians to help parents/guardian calm fears, manage stress, and keep the peace in this difficult time.

Coronavirus is scary for all of us. For children with anxiety and/or ADHD, school closures and health threats are downright paralyzing. How to talk to your child.

Here to help kids navigate through their fear and anxiety around Coronavirus are Dr. Laura Markham, Natasha Daniels, and Dr Shefali Tsabary.

School closures amid the Coronavirus pandemic are turning our ADHD homes and brains upside down. Here is one mother's advice for surviving social distancing.

The National Association of School Psychologist have put together a guideline to support parents/guardians in their conversations with children.

Harvard Business Reviews staff discussed a common theme when reflecting on this harrowing time of a pandemic: grief.

Sanctuary for Families put together a Safety Planning Guide along with resources.

Because of coronavirus, teenagers are missing out on major rites of passage. Offering compassion paves their way toward feeling better.

Teens are not made for isolation, which makes COVID-19 especially hard on them. Here's how to help your teenager to see the bigger picture.

Here's what to do when you're all low on patience.