The Latest Edition

By Grace Nelson, December 19, 2020

With snow covering the ground and a global pandemic still on going, here are the McFarland Spotlight's top ways to spend your winter!

By Eli Gregg, December 19, 2020

Before going into season two, let's take a look at what's happened so far.

By Felicia Zheng, December 19, 2020

A quick guide to the government, and the people representing us.

By Lily Bresette, November 5, 2020

Each year in the month of November, Trans Awareness week is recognized and used as a learning tool to inform and educate communities about the history and challenges transgender individuals have faced, along with creating visibility by sharing stories of individuals.

By Lilly Innes, November 5, 2020

October began with Trump’s taxes and election news and Covid have dominated the news since. It was easy for many Americans to gloss over the fact that just in September on the 16th, Dawn Wooten had exposed the Irwin County Detention Center, for performing mass hysterectomies on immigrant women.

By Veva Riddle, November 5, 2020

As students started this school year, most were thinking about how they were going to deal with online school, and with being away from their normal lives. McFarland is a rather tight knit community, and whereas in school, students would all be able to talk and discuss how they were dealing with everything, this is more difficult due to having to learn online.

By Felicia Zheng, November 5, 2020

Historically, presidential debates have been a place for candidates to prove themselves to the American people. In some races, a debate has a significant impact on the polls. In most, they seem to only affirm what voters already know.

By Megan Gates, October, 2020

Sports are significant to every community, and no other district is more supportive of their teams than our very own McFarland community. Although, McFarland athletes are experiencing, for the first time, the cancellation of entire sports seasons.

By Grace Nelson, October, 2020

In the middle of this global pandemic, it’s easy to get stuck inside and feel lonely. Spending time outside and getting some sun is more important than ever, so we have to take advantage of the time we have before winter rears its ugly head. So, let’s have a look at the top five spots in Wisconsin to go to while staying safe:

By Lily Innes October, 2020

Scorpio season brings a boost of receptive energy and heightens our intuition. Scorpio is one of the three water signs which means they are more emotional and sensitive compared to the other signs. One pebble can create a huge ripple in a pond. Scorpios often accidentally get grouped in with the fire signs for their fearlessness and “calling it how it is” attitude. These next few weeks may allow you to see things through a new lens but be careful not to over analyze as Scorpios often unknowingly do.

By Christy Zheng March, 2020

On the sidewalk in front of the Supreme Court Building, pro-life and pro-choice demonstrators gathered on their respective halves as the justices inside heard oral arguments for June Medical Services v. Russo, the first major abortion case during Trump’s presidency. The case has the potential to strengthen abortion rights, or substantially reduce them.

By Emily Landwehr March, 2020

The music preferences of 2008 and 2020 McFarland High School Students

By Felicia Zheng March, 2020

Religion is a divisive topic in today’s political and social climate, and I believe this is mainly due to misconceptions, stereotypes, and a general lack of understanding. So many people have negative perceptions of foreign faiths because of the half-truths and outright lies that they have been told. How can we as a society battle religion-fueled hate? The key lies in our schools.

By Grace Nelson March, 2020

With the recent assassination of General Qasem Soleimani, and the bombings of US military bases in Iraq, the tensions between our countries continue to rise. Talk of World War III seems more possible every year to our generation who has never seen our country outside of the war on terror. Our relationship with Iran and many other countries have felt just like business as usual. But how did we get here? And what’s going to happen next?