By Lilyana Gabrielse March, 2018

McFarland High School has officially joined the nation in discussing and reevaluating the dress codes many deemed inequitable; administrations all across the country are now asking, “how can we implement a body positive policy?” With complaints from teenagers on social media as well as frustrations within MHS student body, the inequality between the sexes has become hard to ignore.

By Rebecca Forman March, 2018

On February 14th, 14 students and 3 faculty at Parkland, Florida’s Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School were killed by a former classmate in the 18th school shooting of 2018. In the wake of the school shooting, students, parents, and teachers around the country have asked what changes can be made to federal policy to ensure that a tragedy like this will never happen again.

By Ella Ceelen December, 2017

When Indian Mound Middle School students started the new school year in September, they were welcomed back to a very different building. Even MHS students are aware and curious about the ongoing renovation up the hill. The sidewalk redirection, the paint fumes, machinery noises, and the large dirt mound by the baseball fields are all points of interest that contribute to the larger question many people are asking: what is going on?

By Devin Lauby December, 2017

Tips and tricks into acing your final.

I know none of us want to think about it, but midterm finals are coming up, and fast. When it comes to doing your best on all of your tests, it pays off to do some planning ahead. Try out these tips and tricks, and finals are sure to be a breeze…