By Annika Hauser, June, 2020

“We pretty much shut it down coming in from China.”

By Sara Yavas May, 2018

You have probably heard people say that there is no point in recycling at MHS because it “all goes to the same place anyway,” or that it is not worth the effort because the janitors “put it all in the same trash can anyway.” As it turns out, these rumors are not true.

By Justin Hermann May, 2018

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no,” they’ve stammered, : it’s just a flash drive, no worries.” Yeah, sure it is. We all know what it really is--a Juul. It’s better than cigarettes, I suppose, but is it appropriate for high school students?

By Callie Korth May, 2018

Today, social media has become intertwined with each aspect of our lives - from taking Instagram pools on how we should dress, to snapping Snapchat streaks before we even get out of bed. I decided to test my own social media dependency during Lent - a Christian practice of making sacrifice as a symbolic demonstration to Jesus Christ’s fast for 40 days in the desert.

By Ella Ceelen May, 2018

While data from notable sources like the Pew Research Foundation have drawn generational distinctions, doubt exists as to whether generations are real and worthy of classification. Many people give their generations similar value as horoscopes, watering down their significance with Buzzfeed quizzes and relatable Instagram posts. Generations, however, have far more substance and significance.

By Kierstyn Torres-Gonzalez May, 2018

One of the biggest lies that people ever tell is “I’m fine.” Day in and day out, people pass each other in the halls of schools, businesses, stores, greeting each other with a classic, “Hi, how are you?”. And almost every time--if not every time--the response is simply “I’m good; how are you?”. Very rarely, however, is that response the whole truth.

By Dr. Matthew Levin May, 2018

Bad news makes for good headlines, but there’s a lot more to this generation of young people. For those who don’t spend a lot of time with teenagers, and even for those who do but sometimes lose sight of the big picture, there is a lot of good news. In addition to their sometimes poor decision-making, teenagers are also creative, kind, funny, and curious about the world around them. They support their friends through tough times and put incredible energy into the things that interest them.

By Justing Herrman March, 2018

I have experienced practices in 90 degree heat, and have heard stories from other students of worse temperatures during a practice. Shirtless only helps someone stay cool in higher temperatures. The pools of sweat formed when running make wearing a shirt more harmful than beneficial.

By Audrey Damon-Wynne March, 2018

Your cell phone is making you sad, lonely, sleep deprived, anxious, addicted, and stupid.

I say that because I see it in my classroom every day, but also because there is a mountain of evidence published in the past year that has convinced me that you are a generation in trouble.

By Devin Lauby March, 2018

The existence of an African American history seminar at a majority white school is one steeped in paradox.A group of white students discuss the achievement gap.A documentary on African American mass incarceration is screened the day after a Confederate flag is brandished in the halls.The class discusses the racist foundations of suburbs while inhabiting a suburb.

By Ella Ceelen December, 2017

To plant the seeds of interest in agriculture, building a school greenhouse would be a productive first step. These glass buildings are impressive because they simplify a daunting task for aspiring gardeners. A greenhouse provides a stable environment for a wide variety of plants all year round and eliminates dependence on weather.

By Maddie Medina December, 2017

Solar energy development has been in the works for nearly 200 years and solar panels are becoming increasingly more affordable and efficient since the discovery of the photovoltaic effect in 1839. The price of solar panels have actually dropped almost 60% since 2011 and clean energy has created tens of thousands of jobs. And yet here we still are, relying completely on fossil fuels that cause more political and economic strife than anything.

By Ella Ceelen October, 2017

For some people, the concept of diversity has always been a prevalent aspect of life, whether on a larger scale, like representation in Congress, or on a smaller scale, like characters on a television show.

By Devin Lauby October, 2017

MHS dance courts leave out some of our most vulnerable students. A couple weeks before homecoming, I was called down to the Student Services office. The school psychologist me that she and another teacher had compiled a list of the non-binary students in our school that they know of and were asking all of us if we wanted to be considered for homecoming “king or “queen”. I felt instantly numb at the prospect of answering this question. As someone who is neither mole nor female, it hadn’t even occurred to me that this kind of counter-intuitive question would be one I’d have to answer.