By Emily Biggin and Rebecca Forman March, 2018

On February 2nd, McFarland and Evansville students came together at the Varsity Boys Basketball game to unite against racial inequalities. All players wore shirts that read “Stand Up, Speak Up” in their school colors to show alliance for the cause. On January 19, two weeks earlier, the same event occurred at the girls basketball game against Whitewater.

By Emily Landwehr December, 2017

Swimming may sometimes appear to be constant laps down and back, down and back, but for the McFarland Spartan Girls Swim Team, the night of November 10th was anything but monotonous.

By Justin Hermann December, 2017

There were high expectations as the teams headed off to State. First year coach and math teacher Kent Miehe knew that each team “realized how good they were and what they were capable of achieving.” McFarland’s expectation for success made State a bittersweet experience for the runners, as their girls placed 16th, and the boys 6th.

By Emily Landwehr October, 2017

McFarland started the 2017-18 school year off strong, in more ways than one. McFarland High School has seven fall sports, and though there are always a few bumps in the road, the fall sports thrived this year.