Fall Horoscopes

By Lily Innes

October, 2020

Scorpio season brings a boost of receptive energy and heightens our intuition. Scorpio is one of the three water signs which means they are more emotional and sensitive compared to the other signs. One pebble can create a huge ripple in a pond. Scorpios often accidentally get grouped in with the fire signs for their fearlessness and “calling it how it is” attitude. These next few weeks may allow you to see things through a new lens but be careful not to over analyze as Scorpios often unknowingly do.

Aries: If you put yourself in situations where you are unable to be yourself, you may forget who you really are.

Taurus: You are not one to be pushed into a corner. You may just have to look at other angles.

Gemini: You can only spread yourself too far thin before losing grip of what is most important to you.

Cancer: There is a difference between loyalty and the inability to reimagine where you could be.

Leo: Absorbing yourself in other’s problems doesn’t make your own problems vanish.

Virgo: Your internal clock can be tuned but your compass cannot.

Libra: There is rarely just one person or thing that will balance your life long term. It can be easy to hyperfocus on what seems fulfilling.

Scorpio: You tend to be comfortable when you are alone and then able to thrive but can end up overworking yourself. It may be easier to think short term but thinking long term is also important.

Sagittarius: There is no moving forward without letting go.

Capricorn: Patience is key when you are in your highs and others are in their lows.

Aquarius: You never need to let anyone in but others may not know that.

Pisces: You live in the clouds and it isn’t your job to bring others there.