Unauthorized Use & Access
The above is defined as entering or using the property of another person or of the College without consent or authorization. Prohibited actions include, but are not limited to:
Unauthorized access to records (including patient records), data, facilities, or other areas that are not generally permissable by students in their day-to-day academic needs.
Unlawful or unauthorized entry into or presence in any campus building, room, or facility.
Tampering with locks to College buildings and/or rooms, unauthorized possession/use of College keys, alteration/duplication of College keys.
Presence on College property or at a College sponsored event off campus while under sanction that prohibits such presence.
Opening or gaining access to the mailbox of another person without the expressed consent of the person to whom that box has been assigned.
Holding group functions in a College facility without the expressed authorization of the College office overseeing that facility.