

Staff to Contact: S Holmes (Head of Faculty)

Our goal in 2019 is to teach the skills of the English curriculum within contexts of interest to particular students. All English courses will provide opportunities for students to achieve credits in English achievement standards. Some courses may also include opportunities to complete assessments from related curriculum areas as relevant. Some courses are multi-level with students completing assessments at the level relevant to their learning. Students are expected to have their own devices to support their learning.

Year 11: English

Students should choose one course from the following options

Communications English NCEA Level 1

This is a foundation course for students who need support to develop their literacy skills to cope with the challenges of NCEA. The focus will be on building skills and confidence in reading, listening and viewing, and communicating ideas in oral, written and visual forms. Assessments will be offered according to the learning needs of the students.

English and the World of Sport NCEA Level 1

The world of sport provides a rich context for learning about how language works. This course will use the sporting world as a context for developing student skills in reading, writing, speaking, listening, viewing and presenting. Students will consider the role sports has in our lives, and as part of our identity. Students will begin to understand that the values developed on the sports field can help us in our everyday lives. Students will show their information literacy skills through an investigation of a sporting or health issue. We will also look at how the ideas around sport are communicated visually in both static and moving forms. Students will have an opportunity to produce a visual text.

This course would suit students taking PE, Outdoor Ed, Health or any student with a general interest in sport.

English and Society NCEA Level 1

Understanding our place in the world is an important part of growing up. Texts are a powerful tool in developing this understanding. In this course we will look at different voices within society and consider how societal issues impact us and inform our thinking. This will allow us to develop our own unique voice and convey our thinking effectively. Through understanding the ideas in a variety of texts, students will be able to understand connections between text, society and themselves. A focus on reading, writing and viewing film will support students developing sense of the world they live in.

This course would suit students taking Social Studies, History, and Geography or any student with a general interest in their own society and other societies around the world.

English and Creativity NCEA Level 1

Creativity is an important disposition. This course will focus on building the skills of students who enjoy creating texts. Students will explore the crafting of oral, written and visual texts and then have the opportunity to produce their own, choosing forms that interest them such as song lyrics, drama and film scripts, poetry and short stories. Students will look at connecting ideas across texts, and be encouraged to present a creative oral or visual text to show their thinking. Students will also study film and may have the opportunity to produce a short film or music video.

This course would suit students taking drama, media studies, music or any student with an interest in developing their creative use of language.

• All standards offered in these courses count towards Level 1 literacy

Prerequisite: Students should be achieving at curriculum Level 5 or above. Students not achieving at this level will be advised to take the English communications course before attempting English at Level 1.

Recoveries: Students are expected to have $15.00 in their printing account to cover printing costs.

Year 12: English

Students should choose one course from the following options. All courses will provide opportunities for Level 2 achievement standards. Some courses will be multi-level and students will complete assessments according to their learning needs.

English and Identity NCEA Level 2

The distance that once separated ourselves from the rest of the world is increasingly diminishing, due in part to globalisation and rapid increases in technology. Television, film, magazines, the internet and various modes of social media all have the ability to make us question ourselves and our identity. This course is focused on understanding the impact this increase in media has had on our sense of self and our place in the world. Students will look at how language is used in various contexts to convey a sense of identity, and what happens to identity once that language is lost. Students will have the opportunity to develop their own voice through visual text and writing.

This course will suit students who are interested in Social Studies, Media and the Arts. It will also suit students who are interested in the role the media plays in modern society.

English Literature NCEA Level 2

Much of literature throughout history has taught us valuable lessons about people and their place in the world. It is through understanding these enduring ideas that we develop our own sense of self and our voice. Students will look closely at various pieces of written and visual literature throughout time that are still relevant in the ideas they convey, today. This will enable students to make connections between these texts and to consider how these texts inform their own developing opinions. They will also learn to develop their own voice and convey this through both written and oral texts.

This course will suit students who love to read. It will also suit students who are interested in History.

English and Gaming NCEA Level 2

Computer and video games provide a rich context for learning about language and stories. This course will use the world of gaming as a context for developing student skills in making and creating meaning. Students will look closely at the language and narrative structures of selected games and use this as a context for their own writing. Students will show their information literacy skills through an investigation of an issue from the world of gaming. We will also look at the visual communication of ideas in narrative games and provide opportunities for students to produce their own texts.

This course would suit students taking any of the computing or graphics and design based subjects or any student with a general interest in computer games.

English for Scientists NCEA Level 2

It is increasingly important for scientists to be effective communicators, and for all of us to be critical consumers of science based texts. This course will use science based texts as a context for exploring making and creating meaning. Students will develop their information literacy skills through an investigation of how texts work to position readers, they will develop writing skills through feature articles and opinion pieces. Students will also have the opportunity to explore documentary film and make a short documentary. The course may also include a film study, exploring aspects of science fiction film.

Communications English 2

This course is for students who wish to continue to develop their functional communication skills, especially in reading and writing. This class will be limited to 15 students so entry will be pre-approved. Assessments will be offered according to the learning needs of the students.

Prerequisite: Students need to have the language skills to achieve at Level 7 of the curriculum. Entry into English courses at Year 12 will need to be approved by the Curriculum leader to ensure that students choose a course that is relevant to their learning needs.

Recoveries: Students will need to have $20 in their printing accounts to print assessment work.

Year 13: English

English Insights NCEA Level 3

Literary texts show us the power of language and offer us insights into the world we live in. This literature based course offers students the opportunity to develop their skills in critical reflection about how written, oral, and visual texts work to offer us insights. The course is designed to set students up with the written language and presentation skills that will support their tertiary learning, as well as supporting their growth as citizens of this country and the world.

This is a full Level 3 course designed for students intending to go on to tertiary study. Students need to have achieved well in Level 2 English and/or Media Studies, and/or Drama. This course will also cover the requirements for Scholarship English.

English for Scientists NCEA Level 3

It is increasingly important for scientists to be effective communicators, and for all of us to be critical consumers of science based texts. This course will use science based texts as a context for exploring making and creating meaning. Students will develop their information literacy skills through an investigation of how texts work to position readers, they will develop writing skills through feature articles and opinion pieces. Students will also have the opportunity to explore documentary film and make a short documentary. The course may also include a film study, exploring aspects of science fiction film.

Communications English 2

This course is for students who wish to continue to develop their functional communication skills, especially in reading and writing. Assessments will be offered according to the learning needs of the students. This class will be limited to 15 students so entry will be pre-approved. Assessments will be offered according to the learning needs of the students.

Prerequisite: Entry into courses needs to be approved by the Curriculum Leader English to ensure that students choose courses that are appropriate to their learning needs.

Recoveries: Students will need to have $25 in their printing accounts to print assessment work.

Media Studies

Staff to Contact: S Holmes (Head of Faculty)

The media plays an important role in our society and as citizens of a democratic country it is important that young people develop critical media literacy. The media industry, especially film and television is a significant part or our economy, and offers a wide range of career and employment opportunities.

Year 11: Media Studies NCEA Level 1

This course is designed to introduce students to key concepts in media literacy and to provide opportunities for hands-on production of media texts. The course offers a mix of theory and practical credits. Media texts covered will depend on student interest but will include film, television and magazines.

Prerequisite: There is no set prerequisite but students need basic literacy skills, an interest in the media and a commitment to learning.

Year 12: Media Studies NCEA Level 2

This course engages students in thinking about how media texts are constructed and how these texts work to shape our perceptions of the world. Students will be involved in an investigation around media representations and will complete a study of a specific genre. Practical film production is a core part of the course and students are expected to plan and produce a short film.

Prerequisite: Level 1 Literacy. Students will need competent communication skills, an interest in media texts, and a commitment to learning.

Year 13: Media Studies NCEA Level 3

This course explores the reciprocal relationship between media texts and society. The course includes exploring different readings of media texts, an investigation into issues around media representations in New Zealand and a detailed genre study. Practical film making is a core part of the course, and students are expected to plan and produce a short film that draws attention to an issue or idea of concern.

Prerequisite: Students will need competent skills in Level 2 English and/or computing, and an interest in media texts. It is preferable, but not essential, that students have completed Level 2 Media Studies.

Recoveries Students are expected to have funds in their printing account to cover the costs of printing assessment and course material