What we do in the Nurseries

What we do in our nurseries

Both school's nurseries uses a mix of child led learning & a topic based curriculum to ensure children develop to the best of their ability. We provide exciting activities that promote the 7 areas of learning within the prime & specific areas of development.

We assess all children using the Wellcomm assessment  This helps us to identify speech and language difficulties and act immediately with the correct support. We follow the Wellcomm Big Book of Ideas to provide targeted play based activities.  If progress is not made after targeted intervention, we refer to NHS Speech and Language .

All Nursery staff are trained to use a variety of strategies and work with multi-agencies to support the children.

Mrs Carlile is the SENCo for both the school  the nurseries as well as the main schools  but on a day to day basis you can contact Ms Jaime Ellis who is based at  the Martham Nursery and Mrs Teresa Hubbard at East Ruston.

Within the nursery at Martham we have a calm area, a sensory circuit and we use visual timetables. When required, extended transition periods are encouraged.  At East Ruston,  is also a calm area, visual timetables  and extensive use of the outdoor environment to support the children and meet their needs.

All Nursery staff build relationships with the child and parents/carers to enable them to signpost to outside agencies that can support.