What we do in Reception?

Teachers and Teaching assistants use a variety of strategies to support pupils with SEND.

Support from outside professionals including an educational psychologist, speech therapist and occupational therapist has given teachers and teaching assistants the knowledge to support SEN pupils more effectively. Alongside this, recent training in Precision Teaching and WellComm assessment allows us to use targeted interventions to support children in their learning.

Some pupils benefit from specialist equipment such as wobble cushions, Easi-Grip scissors/adapted scissors, writing aids, visual timetables and now/next cards

We believe in early identification of communication and speech  developmental needs.   In Reception,  we  use WellComm  to screen all the children. This allows us to identify individual needs  in speech and listening skills and  provide targeted interventions  according to need. 

Other more specific interventions are provided including sensory circuits , Thrive, and phonics support for pupils according to need. 

Interventions in Reception