5Cedar   Learning Update

Central idea: Migrants and explorers both influence, and are influenced by, the world around us.

The children have thoroughly enjoyed this module learning about Anglo-Saxons and Vikings as part of our inquiry. Following on from our trip to the British Museum, we have been exploring the lives and impact of the Anglo-Saxons in Britain. We dived into learning about their jobs, way of life and how Britain was ruled during that period. We then explored Anglo-Saxon artefacts and pottery, before having a go at making some of our own pottery. Cedar class showed great skill and patience in creating their pottery and worked hard to improve on their technique as they went.

In Maths we have been focusing on the relationship between fractions, decimals and percentages. We have been learning how to: understand percentages, think about percentages as fractions and decimals. The children have worked hard to try to remember key ones such as 50% = 0.5. I am proud of the progress they have made with their arithmetic and increasing their speed.

As a reminder, we will be going swimming next term, and our PE lessons remain on a Thursday. Over the holidays there are some activities in the home learning classroom should you wish to complete them. 

Have a lovely Easter break!