1Willow     Learning Update

Central idea: Learning about the past can help me to understand the present. 

Over the past 2 weeks we have continued to look at our central idea. We have finished our line of inquiry 2 where we explored objects from the past and spoke about the similarities and differences. We spent some time making bread and had a chance to try the delicious outcome! We used the bread as a two pronged learning experience. With Easter fast approaching we spoke about the last supper and the breaking of the bread we also used this experience in science and we looked at what happened to the dough when heat is applied. We took this science learning further and spoke about liquids and solids, we the melted chocolate and had a delicious treat afterwards to take home! We have moved on to our line of inquiry 3, in this line of inquiry we have been weaving first with paper to understand the skill, next we made our own looms out of cardboard boxes and string in order to weave with material where we made small rag mats which would have been an object from the past. 

In maths we have been learning about measurement. We have looked at capacity as well as mass. The children have had a fantastic time learning about these concepts.

Please remember to bring in PE kits after the Easter break and be sure to label all of your child's belongings.