1Spruce    Learning Update

Central idea: Learning about history can help us understand the present

Over the last fortnight Spruce class has delved into the final two lines of inquiry, focussing on objects from the past and how objects have changed over time. We have been learning about weaving and practising our weaving skills with various materials. Using this newly learnt skill we have made weaving looms from shoe boxes and have woven a rag rug from various recycled materials. The children have enjoyed this as it continues from our learning about life in the 1940s. 

In Science the children have enjoyed learning about how different foods react when we heat or cool them. We have made bread from scratch, identifying what ingredients are a liquid and which are a solid, and making predictions about how the dough will change. The children made great observations about how the dough rises and forms air bubbles after it has been heated. We then enjoyed eating the bread together, linking it to our learning about the last supper in RE. We also enjoyed melting chocolate to make cornflake cakes, with the children making excellent predictions about how chocolate changes state when heated and cooled. 

In Maths, we have been focussing on mass and capacity and have enjoyed measuring with different objects and exploring volume with different containers. The children loved having a relay race with water and different containers, seeing what team would fill theirs first! 

After the Easter half term, we will have PE on a Monday afternoon. Have a wonderful half term and a lovely Easter!