2Maple    Learning Update

Central idea: History can be a journey of discovery

What an amazing inquiry this has been. The children have demonstrated, over the past few weeks, that history can be a journey of discovery. We inquired what it would be like to be a baker and baked our own bread rolls. This helped us empathise with Thomas Farriner and understand what life would have been like as a baker in 1666. A highlight was most definitely recreating Pudding Lane and the streets of London with our Tudor houses which we then set fire to. 

We have been inspired by the artist Grayson Perry who is known for telling stories through pottery and tapestry. To retell the story of The Great Fire of London, the children made carvings onto clay pots, painted acetate with acrylic paint and then scored images onto the acetate and finally made tableaus with fabric design they had created. 

Over the past module, we have discovered many ways that we are able to document history. Discussing with the children how we would like people in the future to know what life was like at Marden Primary Academy in 2024, we decided we would be making a time capsule that will be placed underneath the new building in the school. The children have chosen and made their own unique piece to go inside the capsule!

Focus for half term: 

1) Times table battle - Please login to Times Tables Rock Stars (same login as Numbots) and take part in the KS1 Times Table Battle. There are prizes to be won.

2) Login to Spelling Shed and complete your challenges ready for a quiz in class.

3) Handwriting practice - get those cursive letters looking great!

Module 5

Victorian Day - On Thursday 18th April, Year 2 will dress up as Victorians for a very strict day at school. We will be immersed in life at school during the Victorian times with a focus on rules and responsibilities.