RMC Learning Update

Central idea: Personal choices can impact the environment.

Team RMC have been very busy this week reading 'Michael Recycle' and following in his footsteps, helping to tidy our school grounds. The children were very excited to go outside with litter pickers and see how much litter we could find, and we are now thinking of a plan to make sure Marden is always marvellously clean!

We have also read 'Fish' again and discussed the feelings of the characters in the story when they discovered just how much plastic was in the ocean.

Josie said: "Skipp the dog would be feeling really disappointed because all of the litter means there are less fish in the water."

In maths we have continued looking at odd and even numbers, using a variety of resources to help us understand number patterns.

Please remember to bring a water bottle, filled with water, to school every day and a sun hat. We are practising for Sports Day next week so all children will need their PE in school all week.