Who to see for support/more information: Secondary AP Sam Watkins and Assessment and Reporting Coordinator - Brandon Khenkitisak

Progress Reports:

Periodically throughout a semester, students will receive 3 ‘Progress Reports’ which will summarise their output for a specified block of time. (Usually 6-7 weeks)

This ensures parents are informed how their child is travelling regularly throughout the semester, and helps teachers make appropriate interventions if/when required.

Progress Reports will be assigned to your classes via Compass and can be found under the ‘Learning Task’ tab. Further information regarding dates will be provided at the beginning of each semester.

A video on how to complete PRC’s can be found on the Secondary Drive > ASSESSMENT > Assessment & Reporting > (Current year)

Semester Reports:

Towards the end of each semester, staff are required to complete Semester Reports. These can be found under the 'Teaching & Learning’ tab in Compass.

Semester Reports are essentially a small summary of the information you have compiled throughout the Progress Cycles.

A PD on Progress Reports will be held early in Term 1, and on Semester Reports early Term 2. New staff will be required to attend, all staff are welcome.