Year 3 - Warhol

Hello and welcome to Warhol Class. 

Your class teachers for Year 3 are going to be Mrs Mason and Mrs Tyler.

In our class we will also have Miss Skelly and Mrs Thomas who will be with us all week as our learning support assistants

Click on the button below to see what we will be covering during our time in year 3!

Autumn Term

Last half term our topic was Prehistoric Britain which included learning about the Stone Age. In science we learnt about light. In RE we learnt about Christianity.

This half term our topic is settlements. In science we are learning about forces and magnets. We will be learning about Hinduism in RE. We are celebrating differences in PSHE.

Spring Term

This term we are learning multiplication and division, time and fractions in maths, and a defeating a monster story in English. We are continuing to learn about forces and magnets in science. After half term our science topic will be plants. Our history topic is The Shang Dynasty. Our outdoor PE is netball and we are improving our balances in indoor PE. In RE we are learning about Hinduism. 

Summer Term

This half term we are learning about the Ancient Greeks. In science our topic is humans, including animals where we will be learning about bones and muscles. Our maths focus is angles, shapes, fractions and measures. Our English focus is a tale of fear and persuasive writing. In computing we are learning about desktop publishing, which includes editing text.

Summer 2 

This half term in science we are learning about rocks and soils, and will find out how they are formed. Our geography topic is mountains, volcanoes and earthquakes. In maths we are focussing on multiplication and division, and exploring calculator strategies and place value. We are going to write a warning story in English and then a discussion text. We are going to be doing more programming in computing, using Scratch. PE is athletics. Our music theme is reflect, rewind and replay. In RE we are going to be learning about Sanatana Dharma.