Career & Employment Resources

USM Career and Employment Hub

The Career & Employment Hub at USM gives students and alumni the opportunity to gain experience in the field, explore career directions, develop global citizenship skills, and give back to the community.

  • The Career Hub is a fantastic resource for nursing students as they have years of experience supporting them and provide a wide variety of career resources and opportunities.

    • Resources include Career Advisors who can work with students on, resumes, cover letters, the job application processes, interviewing, salary negotiations, LinkedIn, job shadows, informational interviews, and much more!

  • The nursing department encourages nursing students to take advantage of this resource starting from their first day on campus to years after they graduate. It's never too soon to begin working with the Career & Employment Hub.

  • Learn more about their services or make an appointment today!

New Grad Employment Info Sessions with Hospitals for Students who will Graduate in the Upcoming Year

  • The School of Nursing and USM Career Hub have partnered to establish a regular meeting series where Hospitals and other RN Employers can book a time to present about their new grad programs and RN employment opportunities to our undergraduate students who will graduate in the near future.

  • These are as a weekly series on zoom each semester.

  • Click here to see the upcoming schedule of presentations.

Faculty & Professional Advisors

  • Your faculty advisor is a wonderful resource for career questions as you move closer to graduation. A few semesters before graduation is a great time to start discussing career option.

More info coming soon!

  • We're still in the process of developing this page so please check back periodically for new information.

  • If there is specific content that you'd like to see here please email suggestions to Dr. Provost.