Contact Us

Key People to Know and Their Areas of Expertise 

NETTY PROVOST, PhD (she/her) and LESLIE LARSEN, MSN, RN (she/her)
Coordinators of the Undergraduate Nursing Program and  ***please copy us both on emails since we collaborate closely on all things undergraduate***

Prof. Larsen and Dr. Provost co-coordinate and oversee the undergraduate program.   Please contact them if you are a part-time faculty member with teaching questions and they are the folks to contact if you don't see someone else on this page specific to your question.

Students - if you are unsure who to contact starting with Dr. Provost is a good place to begin.  She can help you navigate to the right person for your question.

Associate Dean of the School of Nursing

Dr. Petersen is happy to support and be contacted by students and faculty as needed.

LINDSAY LARSEN, MEd, (she/her)
Coordinator of Nursing Student Academic Services & Advisor for RN to BS Students

Ms. Larsen oversees the clinical health and background check compliance for Nursing, advises the RN to BS program students and supports related areas.  

We strongly urge you to visit the Advising and Health Requirement pages as they will have answers to many common questions.

Coordinator of Nursing Clinical and Practicum 

Contact Ms. Whitney with questions related to undergraduate practicum and clinical placements.   

We strongly urge you to visit the Clinical or Practicum sections of this website since they will contain answers to most common questions.

LAURIE LENTZ, MS, (she/her)
Undergraduate Nursing Advisor for Traditional Students 

The majority of admitted traditional program nursing majors who have not yet taken NUR 300/301 are supported by Ms. Lentz for nursing and advising questions and course planning.

We strongly urge you to visit the Advising section of this website since it will have answers to most common questions.

Undergraduate Nursing Advisor for Traditional Students 

Ms. Major supports some admitted traditional program nursing majors in addition to advising students in some other disciplines. 

We strongly urge you to visit the Advising section of this website since it will have answers to most common questions.

TAMMY BERRY, (she/her)
Administrative Specialist, Faculty Support Portland 

Ms. Berry supports full and part time faculty based in Portland and Lewiston with teaching areas such as Brightspace and clinical letters.

Administrative Specialist for the School of Nursing Associate Dean and Program Coordinators 

Mr. Blount supports the Associate Dean and Graduate and Undergraduate Program Coordinators, as well as affiliation agreements, full and part-time faculty contracts, undergraduate partnership courses, and event planning, including nursing convocations and commencements.