PE 9-10


PE 9-10 - 06130 -  ½ CREDIT

The program at Mahopac High School is co-educational and is designed to give students a wide range of activities that include team sports and lifetime activities. Students in grades 9 and 10 receive a core program focusing on teaching fundamentals and skills in a variety of activities. In addition to meeting the NYS standards, the program is designed to promote Physical Literacy. The main focus of the content and activities include five curricular strands.  These are:

The program will also focus on:

The NYS standards and program goals and objectives may be accomplished by means of an integrated curriculum that is comprised of the following topics and content;

    1. Target sports and activities

    2. Dance or aesthetic activities

    3. Net/wall sports and activities

    4. Adventure based education

    5. Fitness

    6. Personal performance events

    7. Striking and Fielding sports and activities