spotlight on our eal students

At Lordswood Boys' School, we embrace the diversity of our staff and students including those from different nationalities.  As part of this we now have a new literacy group to support students learning English.  There are fifteen students in the English as an Additional Language (EAL) form group.

Being bilingual is a fantastic skill to have! Students who can speak more than one language often have greater focus and stronger working memories. In our EAL literacy group we have students from various countries. Students speak languages from Arabic to Sonnike to Italian to Turkish. 

Our EAL students attend an after-school English club with Ms George to help with their listening, reading and writing skills.

Recently, the EAL literacy group discussed their own ambitions and hopes for the future and why learning English is so important to them. These ranged from working as a translator to owning their own business. 

The students also use Flash Academy, which is a software designed to support new English speakers with their speaking, listening and reading skills. 

Lordswood Boys' School Hagley Road Harborne  Birmingham B17 8BJ 

Tel: 0121 464 2837 


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