Outstanding Student work

Our students have been working hard during our first half term after the summer. Read on to find out what they've been up to...

Summer Booklets

The English Department have been looking through the students' Summer Literacy Booklets, and all the fantastic work that students completed over the six week break to get them ready for the year! From writing challenges to grammar quizzes and even practice reading tests. 

Year 11

Year 11 have been putting their Real World Literacy skills to the test to see if they can spot 'Phishing emails' by the literacy errors. They learned that scammers often make deliberate errors so that emails 'slip through the net' and spent time correcting the spelling and grammar, understanding how Literacy crosses over into every subject they do and discussing careers in the National Crime Agency. 

Year 11 Debate Club

Year 11 have also been taking part in formal debates, showcasing their oracy skills and building confidence with public speaking. 

A special thank you to Ms Baker who has been working with the Year 11 Debate Club during lunchtimes, teaching them debate skills and preparing for their first Debating Match against Ninestiles Academy in November - watch this space! 

Year 7 Presentations

Year 7 have been practicing their presentation skills during their Thematic lessons. They have been researching different inventors and picking one invention to present on and 'sell' to their fellow students. This has built their confidence as well as their oracy skills. 

Their presentations ranged from the iPhone 2G, with a student channelling their inner Steve Jobs to sell the product, to Al-Zahrawi, a pioneer of surgery in 936 AD. 

Year 9 Literacy Champions

The Year 9 Literacy Champions have been writing postcards and leaving reviews in the books! 

So if you see a 'We Read More' postcard peeking out from one of the books on the shelf.. you know it's Literacy Champion approved! The students hoped that it would encourage other students to enjoy their favourite books as much as they do. 

Year 7 Baking 

Due to their excellent work and attitude this half term, three Year 7s from each Literacy Group were nominated to take part in a baking activity.

Thank you to Ms Bedesha for organising this activity, and the Year 9 students who supported her. 

Lordswood Boys' School Hagley Road Harborne  Birmingham B17 8BJ 

Tel: 0121 464 2837 

Email: enquiry@lordswoodboys.co.uk

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