Autumn Literacy Highlights

It has been wonderful to see so many of our students focused and reading during Literacy Time. It is essential that the start of each day is purposeful and rich with reading to enhance vocabulary along with many other skills.

A big thank you to all the Literacy Tutors who have ensured every minute counts and that routines are embedded!

It has been brilliant to see students discussing and sharing ideas, reading scripts and performing. Communication is a critical skill that we must foster by providing oracy development opportunities. Thank you to our new Drama and English teacher Mrs Davis-Musabayana for facilitating and supporting the students to grow in confidence.


Students worked remarkably well in partnership, creating and explaining how their catapults work.

Ashwath in Year 10 was delighted to share the following:

"During STEM we are looking at how elastic potential energy was used during the older times. To portray how elastic potential energy was used we are building mini-sized catapults. The enrichment group has been split up into pairs and competition has been set to see which teams catapult will launch the projectile the longest, highest, and which one of them looks the best. The catapults are built with 9 pencils, duct tape, a paint stirrer, and finally a few rubber bands. Coming Friday we will know which team emerges victorious and the victorious team will receive a special prize from Mr. Thorpe and Mr.Jackson."

A big thank you to Mr Thorpe and Mr Jackson for creating such a buzz during enrichment and sparking competition between the students.

It has been wonderful to see Literacy Tutors working with pupils to develop their writing skills along with their reading, and engaging students through thoughtful questioning.

Thank you for your passion and commitment.

Year 11

A huge thanks to the Year 11 Literacy Tutors for ensuring Year 11 students are being guided and supported.

Literacy time for them is about making the most of revision and preparation in their final year of GCSEs. It is just wonderful to see how they continue to grow into young men and take responsibility for their learning!

Lordswood Boys' School Hagley Road Harborne Birmingham B17 8BJ

Tel: 0121 464 2837


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