literacy highlights

This half term students have been working well to build their literacy skills and getting involved with lots of different events. Thank you to Ms Russell for her updates on the work that students have been completing this half term. 

Worcester poetry competition 

We are celebrating the amazing achievement of Ismaeel in Year 8 who entered his poem 'Oceans' into the Worcester Competitive Arts Festival. 

Ismaeel was awared Honours in the Debra Burtulis Cup for Spoken Poetry. 

Ismaeel is a fantastic, passionate poet and we love to celebrate our students' success in national competitions. 

performance skills 

It is fantastic to see students developing their literacy skills through oracy practice and having the confidence to stand on stage and perform monologues. 

Well done Mustafa in Year 9 - this monologue was from Blood Brothers. 

year 11 study skills workshop 

Year 11 have been working hard on their GCSE preparation including attending Study Skills workshops this half term. Students have been attending intervention on a Friday Morning focussing on literacy skills and exam command words, decoding questions from different subjects and identifying verbs they need to understand when it comes to their exams. This extra layer of provision in place helps students see the cross - curricular links and feel more prepared for their exams. 

debate team 

The Year 11 Debate team competed in their second match against Ninestiles Academy . 

The motion was: "This house would treat E-Sports like a real sport"

For the last few weeks, in between intense revision and intervention sessions, the KS4 Debate Team have been reading and researching the topic and preparing for the debate with passion and enthusiasm. Both teams were articulate, inspired, and eager to win. 

This time round Ninestiles managed to beat our team by a few points, but the night was not a complete defeat. Faraz won a certificate for Best Questions, and Jashnpreet won Best Research. And despite the loss, the teams were keen to network and discuss the debate further, having to be ushered out of the building! 

All in all we are proud of our debate team, and Ninestiles have invited us for a tie breaker debate next half term. Here's to a final victory for the team!

junior librarians 

The Junior Librarians have been working hard in the library to catalogue all our new books and support the LBS 150 Challenge. 

They track the 150 Reviews so we can award the LBS Star of the Half Term. This half term was Jayden in Year 8 who has read 20 books this half term and earned his Platinum Badge. 

The librarians have received their training and work hard on Thursdays after school to make our library the best space in the school. 

Lordswood Boys' School Hagley Road Harborne  Birmingham B17 8BJ 

Tel: 0121 464 2837 


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