College dodgeball

Our College Event for this half term was a Dodgeball Event, with each year group from 7 to 10 taking part, which took place on our 4G pitch on Friday 12th May.

This was our seventh College event of the year. Midlands won the first five events, with Central winning their first event during the last Football College competition

the rules

The overall winning team will be the team that accumulates the most victories during the tournament.

Final Result

Across Year 7 to Year 9 the scores were pretty close between Midlands and Central College. However, in Year 10 Midlands had the strongest dodgeball teams, ensuring they won with a lead of four games, and ultimately leading to the college's victory! Congratulations to Midlands College ! 

The scores for each Year Group are below:

There are now only three more College Events to go until the end of the year! Who will win the next one?

Lordswood Boys' School Hagley Road Harborne  Birmingham B17 8BJ 

Tel: 0121 464 2837 


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