What's Happening in Palestine?

Lendy S (8 Giants) tells us about the current ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine and the horrific events which are occurring there:

Currently in Palestine there has been an ongoing conflict between the Palestinians and the Zionists, after a squad of Israeli police officers stormed one of the most religious places of worship for Muslims, the Mosque of Al Aqsa. They cut the speakers that would deliver the prayers to the Palestinians because they thought it would drown out what the Israeli president was saying for 'Israel's' anniversary. They also stopped thousands of Muslims from entering the mosque which created riots and clashes between the police and the Palestinians. There have also been neighbourhoods in Palestine forced to leave after Zionist settlers came and stole their homes.

Outraged by this, Hamas (Palestinian nationalist organisation) fired rockets at Israeli communities and they have sent hundreds more towards ‘Israel’, in defence. In addition, they sent airstrikes to Gaza killing hundreds of innocent civilians. Both sides knew that this was to come.

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