Year 7 Reading week:

Space Case

Space Case by Stuart Gibbs

For Reading Week 2021, the Year 7s explored the world of Stuart Gibbs' Space Case, part of the Moon Base Alpha Series.

The book's protagonist is 12-year-old Dashiell, a boy who lives on Moon Base Alpha, and who must use all his wits to solve the murder of Dr. Holtz. The Year 7s loved the humour and suspense and are eager to read the rest of the trilogy.

What did the Year 7s get up to?

The students had a jam-packed week full of exciting projects, including making their own moon bases, writing lockdown and space-themed limericks, creating a synopsis of an exciting sequel, and completing vocabulary quizzes.

Moon Bases

The Year 7 students wowed us with their creative skills during reading week when asked to build their very own moon bases.

A moon base is a 'permanent infrastructure sustaining human operations at the Moon'.

Looking at these pictures, we think the students have been incredibly successful - we would definitely live there.

Khy-Tahane M. (Ravens)

Sarkar H. (Ravens)

Sulayman S. (Ravens)

Sarkar H. (Ravens)

Dejuan M. (Ravens)


Read some of the student's brilliant space- and lockdown-themed limericks. They will definitely bring a smile to your face.

Joel M. (Cardinals)

Amara G. (Cardinals)

Ibrahim S. (Steelers)

Jai A. (Cardinals)


Listen to two of our Year 7 students discuss what they thought of Space Case on our LBS Podcast.

Year 7 Podcast - Space Case.mp4

Lordswood Boys' School Hagley Road Harborne Birmingham B17 8BJ

Tel: 0121 464 2837


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