Outstanding Student work

Our students have been working hard during their final half term before the summer. Read on to find out what they've been up to...

design & technology 

In Design & Technology our 9.4 class have been working with Mr Tattam, on creating miniature puzzles for their final half term. This has required them to work with a range of new tools and processes, which has included manufacturing accurate 45 degree mitre joints to create a frame to place some puzzle pieces which they have marked and cut out themselves too.

The whole group has shown great progress this academic year, and gone on to produce some of the best work in the department. Below are some example of their works in progress, from students Omar, Gersi and Salahadin. At this point in the work, there were still some things left to be completed on the puzzle, such as cleaning up the filled areas in the corners of the frames and laser cutting a coloured acrylic top with an engraved image of their choice (football teams seem to be very popular!) 

Their puzzles were then completed with a cad/cam manufactured lid, with an engraved image on top to keep the puzzle pieces in place when not being used and on display.

Year 7 and 8 Design & Technology

Year 7 and 8 have been completing the flat pack LBS light which they have themselves soldered the circuits, learning about positive and negative and polarised components, as well as the importance of soldering safely and accurately.

mind maps

One of our focuses that we have been implementing across the school this half term is ensuring pupils have the ability to create mind maps. Providing students with effective revision skills will enable them to study successfully for any future exams.

Throughout the school, students from all year groups have been creating some wonderful and creative mindmaps to consolidate their learning. 

Year 10 mock exams

Our Year 10 students had there mock exams across the final two weeks of June, getting them ready for Year 11 in September. 

They showed incredible focus and showed great commitment to do their best in these exams. 

In our last full week of term students received their results for their mock exams. 

It was lovely to see students open their results and reflect on next steps as they prepare for Year 11. There were some delighted faces, glowing, laughing and celebrating their achievements. Thank you everyone for all your hard work and dedication in supporting the students in their learning and through their examinations. 

elite readers

This half term the select students who are part of the Elite Readers Academy have been reading the highly requested novel Miles Morales: Spiderman. The novel provides a new take on the class Spider-Man themes of power and responsibility. It follows Miles as he learns how to balance the pressures of being Spider-Man with his classes at school, scholarship pressure and work commitments. 

The themes portrayed throughout the novel are all very close to home for our students and our Elite Readers have had great meaningful discussions during their sessions with Mrs Choudhury, sharing their thoughts and opinions on how they would deal with things if they were in Miles' shoes. 

Lordswood Boys' School Hagley Road Harborne  Birmingham B17 8BJ 

Tel: 0121 464 2837 

Email: enquiry@lordswoodboys.co.uk

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