Art Highlights 22-23

As we reached the end of the year, Ms Dawson put together some of the most exciting activities, opportunities, and success stories involving Art over this academic year:

The Knife Angel 

It was an absolute pleasure to take a group of 37 year 10 students out of school and into Lichfield to experience art in an alternative environment. These students went to visit The Knife Angel created by the artist Alfie Bradley and the British Ironworks Centre. 

The sculpture, made from over 100,000 seized blades, was specifically created to highlight the negative effects of violent behaviour whilst solidifying our critical need for social change. 

Not only does the Angel act as a catalyst for turning the tide on violent and aggressive behaviour, but it also acts as a beautiful memorial designed to celebrate those lives who have been lost through these violent and thoughtless actions.

It was so wholesome to witness how moved the boys were by the sculpture. They received an educational talk about crime crime and heard some of the local tragedies that had occurred due to knife crime. 

All of the boys made a pledge against knife crime and these were attached to the barrier of the sculpture. 

Saliou and Kamali were also asked to represent the school by giving statements about their experience. Both boys were absolutely amazing and Saliou even finished his statement with his own quote of... "knives down, books up"!! I was very proud of all of the boys. 

art club

A number of our KS3 students & KS4 students were invited to attend an Art club due to their outstanding behaviour and achievements in Art. 

The boys have been working with Mr Metcalfe-Molinari to enhance their shading, painting and mixed media skills. 

To the right you will see the fantastic work that Aiden L. (Year 7) has created during his time in Art Club.

art therapy sessions

Over the course of the enrichment sessions we have been running an alternative session for a small group of our boys to provide them with some Art Therapy sessions. 

The boys have been creating sculptures of musical instruments that will go together to form a larger sculpture. 

As some of these students are less keen on sporting activities or larger grouped activities, it was amazing to provide them the opportunity to work in a smaller group to produce creative work.

student work

Over the course of the year year 7 have been working on the fundamental skills in Art and completing work focused on the theme of 'Food'. Year 8 have been working on 'Portraiture', learning how to study artists' work and include the artists' techniques within their own work. 

Year 9 has focused on the topic of mental health, studying artists that have suffered with their own mental health, how mental health can be represented within Art and how Art can be a tool to help people express themselves/work to build their own mental health. Here is some of the fantastic student work produced this year...

Ali U. (Year 7)

Liwal K. (Year 7)

Ahmad E. (Year 9)

Micah M. (Year 8)

Levi H. (Year 9)

Saifullah H. (Year 9)

Finally, a special thank you to anyone who has helped/supported the various activities throughout the year, the boys have really enjoyed exploring art in all of its forms.

Lordswood Boys' School Hagley Road Harborne  Birmingham B17 8BJ 

Tel: 0121 464 2837 


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