DEbate team

This half term marks the launch of our new Debate Team at Lordswood Boys' School. Ms Baker and Ms Truman have been doing amazing work with students, spending every Wednesday lunchtime prepping the Debate Team for their first competition. 

lordswood vs. ninestiles

Students were taken to Ninestiles Academy, to compete in a friendly debate. The debate was led by Ms Bake, in a British Parliamentary style, and the subject was 'This House Would Explore the Universe', with Lordswood Boys' School arguing against. 

It made for a tense evening, with both sides arguing with professionalism and confidence. Ninestiles were really impressed with our students and couldn’t believe that this was our first competition!

Ultimately, Ninestiles scored 35/50 and Lordswood scored 37/50! This a huge feat for their first competition, and the boys should be very proud of their win.  

This is an amazing achievement! Thank you to the staff involved, and congratulations to our students.

Lordswood Boys' School Hagley Road Harborne  Birmingham B17 8BJ 

Tel: 0121 464 2837 


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