Peer Mentoring

LBS is delighted to introduce our new Peer Mentoring Scheme, in which students complete paired reading.  

Students have been assigned to a paired mentor, based on Reading Age. They will then guide a discussion of the text through a series of differentiated questions to ensure the mentees' understanding. 

Literacy mat 1

literacy mat 2

In order for students to support their peers it is integral they are asking the right questions in an encouraging manner. This will help with their confidence and in promoting excellent progress. 

Our Literacy Managers have created literacy mats that prompt our mentors in addressing the themes, settings, key words or characters in the book. 

The benefits of our mentor scheme

Paired reading helps students work together, encouraging cooperation and supporting peer-assisted learning. It allows students to take turns reading and provide each other with feedback as a way to monitor comprehension.

Below is a set of questions created by our newsletter member Eshan K. (Y10) to get us an inside scoop of how one of our Year 9 mentors have had a positive impact on his peers as well as himself as an individual.

Interview with Danyal D. (Y9)

What do you enjoy about paired reading?

 “I enjoy teaching others and helping them with essential life skills.”

Has paired reading benefited you as a mentor? How?

“Yes, because paired reading allows me and my mentee to improve our reading skills. I have learned to be patient with others whilst teaching others. Also, it helps me to be respectful in school and out of school.”

Has the paired reading scheme supported mentees? If so, how?

“I do think so because my mentee is now more confident reading to others and it boosts their self esteem. This is helpful for them as they may need these skills in their future jobs and interviews”.

Paired reading takes place every Friday during Literacy Time (8:35am) in the library and refectory. 


During this time we also have external volunteers come in to read with our students. We are grateful that they have chosen to spend their time with our students, enhancing their love of reading, and helping them to achieve their fullest potential. 

If you are interested in volunteering as part of our Peer Mentoring Scheme, please do not hesitate to contact our Year 7 Literacy Manager, Mrs Choudhury, at: 

Lordswood Boys' School Hagley Road Harborne  Birmingham B17 8BJ 

Tel: 0121 464 2837 


For paper copies of any of the information on this website please refer to our publication scheme