Poetry Competition

During Reading Week last month, students took part in a poetry competition. They wrote about living through lockdown and other issues that matter to them. It's wonderful to see how they express their thoughts on the things they care about. Check out a few of the best entries below.

We know what is happening

We see it in every way 

Children begging for just another day

Why does this still happen

When we have hordes of food on display 


The answer is simple

The answer is bleak 

They do not share because they themselves are weak

They hide behind their lies

Their false promises and strict, straight ties

It is not getting better they say
As they eat watching innocents die 

Shahriar K (Jaguars) 

Generation Z more like I have to see,

The most complicated,

Why can’t you be simple, 

Like people have been used to, 

I don’t know why,

But if you don’t know wifi,

Then what generation are you in,

Have you heard of these,

Instagram and Snapchat,

If you don’t I guess you will have to hack that.

Esher G (Lions)

As he stood in the middle of the stage , he

took a deep inhale and spoke his first word

with his voice breaking.

With nervousness taking over him he pulled a

determinate face and spoke his words without a

single stutter.


“Being black was not a disadvantage. It was

humanity that made it look that way. Black is

beautiful , black goes deeper than any colours

there is. Black is dark and it could be light. Black

can bring out the best in any colour. Black brings

strength , hope, tenacity , and devotion. Being

black is the best thing I could have hoped for. It

brings hope and devotion and determination into

what I'm doing. You shouldn't be ashamed of who

you are , or what you do , or how you were made.

You should accept it and let the best in it show

itself , which is all the more reason to not doubt


Amran H (Broncos)

There was a kid in year seven 

Who was always playing with year elevens 

But there was two metre distance 

So the teacher did not allow this interference 

So instead they used a time machine and went back to 9/11

Muuadh C (Steelers)

I don't think that it's self isolation

I think it is self discovery

Discovering that you have all you need:

family to pray for

friends to miss

faith to hold on to 


Maybe we've have happiness all along

so let's spend some time alone 

The beauty of the world right now

is within all of our homes


Ramzan A (Panthers)

I remember going there every weekend 

I remember seeing my grandma smiling, with her arms out

I remember all those beautiful memories that we would spend

And the way we all played around together 

Now everyone has grown up 

Grandma is no more, yet i find it hard to believe 

They’ve all gone their own ways 

Leaving me alone, even when I told them not to leave

The house is now deserted, completely abandoned 

The place we had planted so many memories 

Was now standing firm, yet empty and stranded 

People told me we won’t stay together forever, and I didn't believe their stories...

Hassan M. (Cowboys)

Trapped inside

So many moons have passed

Since he last went out.

Trapped inside

Nowhere to go.


Fear of being caught.

Fear of being exposed.

Fear of dying.


Finally, the day came,

The day where he could be free,

The day he had been longing for.

But it wasn’t the day he imagined.

For today was his last day.

Kamaludeen M (Cowboys)

On the day it all happened we all cried,

Where people died and had survived, 

The shops were shut and streets were deserted. 

Even to people who didn't deserve it, 

Somebody's mother, father, sister, or brother.


We heard the news and our hearts beating our hearts pounding, 

This bustling world was silenced at once, 

And even God was blinded to our world's events, 

Alas, we all struggled with anxiety, 

We shan't forget that we endured sobriety.



From all the things we took for granted, 

We realised that the little things in life were the ones that got us excited. 


Suddenly, things have changed. 

The shops are lively, and pubs are now open, 

So, cheers to those at home hoping that this evil plague will be slain by our heroes, our heroes on the frontline, our keyworkers,

They know and realise that this world is currently a circus. 



We drink for those who passed and left us hurting, 

Those who left our minds churning. 



Cheers to those who lied and put a smile on our faces, 

Because amidst all this death, 

There will be no more cases.

Wiktor S (Dolphins)

They say that we are all equal

That you can do what you want

But there are unsaid rules and restrictions

To make you be someone you are not

Everyone thinks that they are right

And that everyone else is wrong

When someone comes up against their beliefs

They make them feel that they don’t belong

When I say what I think I am

And say what I believe

many people disregard me

And think it's make believe

They say I can’t do this and that

And I can’t be who I am

Want me to fit into a box

And pass all their little exams

But what if I don’t want to

If I feel it’s not right

I’m not just gonna sit there quietly

Of course I will put up a fight

Life is more than listening to rules

And accepting what others say

It's about creating your own identity

About lighting your own way

Stand up to the world

Show them what you do

Come to accept each other

Because what else should we do

Whether it’s your sexuality, religion, gender, ethnicity or race, we all have a part to play in this

game called life. Some people think I can’t have a faith in my religion, because of how I was

born, but I can have a faith in whatever I like, and be whoever I want, and like who/whatever I

want, because I know that in the end, we are all here to enjoy it, and to love others as we would

love ourselves.

Matthew D (Broncos)

Lordswood Boys' School Hagley Road Harborne  Birmingham B17 8BJ 

Tel: 0121 464 2837 

Email: enquiry@lordswoodboys.co.uk

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